

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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My poor baby has caught a cold from DH and now has a cough today. He's been off his food and milk (drinking water though in bits) so I think he might have a sore throat cos every time he coughs he cries, his chest seems a bit tight too. Hes been miserable nearly all day. Want to take him to the doctor in the morning, is there anything they can give for babies with coughs? I don't like seeing him like this :(
Noa got an inhalor but I'm not sure he acually got it in him, I hope Drake feel better soon xx
Herbie has an inhaler too, his cough comes and go's it's bad at the moment and it's the only thing that settles him at night but one doctor didn't want to give him it but they other said it was worth a try, if it's on his chest he might need antibiotics hoPe he is better soon
Thanks girls, just hope the doctor can give him something. I've just brought him downstairs as he kept waking up and he's full of beans and chatting lol But he's breathing heavy still.
Thanks girls, just come back from docs and he has bronculitus? He has antibiotics and and inhalor. He seems a bit better today, just clingy!
aww no poor drake! hope those antibiotics get to work right away xxx
all these poorly babies h has a cough and runny nose too but he's got antibiotics as his tonsils are up!! so much going around at the moment!!
Hope Drake feels better soon

x x x
Thanks girls, just come back from docs and he has bronculitus? He has antibiotics and and inhalor. He seems a bit better today, just clingy!

Oooohhhhhh no herbie had it for 6 wks and 3 sets of anitbitocis he was terrible and his chest has never been the same since every time he's poorly it's his chest, and like I said it's On and off all the time.

HoPe little drake is feeling better soon it's so horrible when you see there chest go up and down and it looks like there struggling to breath
I know Lanny, its awful seeing like that :(

Well, after having some antibiotics today and his inhalor his breathing is much much better!! Hes even eaten a little bit and had a play. Also he's only woken once so far as opposed to loads last night.

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