

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
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Would anyone say that a drop side is better than a fixed side? What are the must haves and must nots when buying a cot/cotbed? Is a cotbed better than a cot. Its been 8 yrs since I had a baby and when I had him we were given one from my brother ( his kids). Its just that there are so many sales about now and it might be a good time for me to get it.
We have a cot bed and in theory they can be used till your LO is 5 but from experience I find the bedding really expensive so its a false economy. I would just have a moses basket, then ordinary drop side cot and then a single bed.

We got a cot bed but it hasn't been used much as we co-slept till Lola was over a year old.

The sides have been taken off now but we still co-sleep most the night. I would still recomend a cotbed over a cot though just because they last longer.

My sister has a cot but said it's getting too small for her 16 month old as he wriggles a lot in his sleep so she going to be getting a cotbed in the sales :)
we have a cot and up until now have always kept the drop side down as it's easier for putting her in and out. She's 8 months now and went in her cot at about 4 weeks.
We decided that if we had a cotbed DD would still be in it when the other baby came along so baby 2 would need a cot or cot bed and they would both need single beds later. Getting a cot means DD can move into a bed and when we have baby 2 they can have the cot so ultimately we buy less beds.

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