cots, beds and duvets


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Probably a really thick question but when should they move from cot to bed+bed guard? I don't think he would fall over as such (I watched him get onto, sit on and then climb off the settee earlier) but he does wriggle around in his sleep in the night.

Also when is ok to use a duvet, and how do you do this if baby sleeps in said 'moveable' position every night...? When he's slept in our bed with pillow and duvet he didn't wriggle but in his own cot he ends up all over the place..!

And where can I buy the duvets from for a cot bed? I've seen singled bed covers (and obviously you just buy a single duvet to put it on) but I've never seen cotbed covers/duvets :think:

I'm probably thinking this all way too early, I mean he's only just 1... but I have been wondering about it for a few weeks now so I may as well post it!!
Oooo I've been wondering this too, I know Jess is far from sleeping with just bed guards , (not walking yet) but my hubby bought a duvet last year because it was a bargain for Jessica and i think it says you can use it from 1+. I will check in the morning to be sure though and update (it's in her room at the mo and the wardrobe door has a squeak) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Charlie always had grobags and it got to the point earlier this year that he was wet through most mornings due to major wet nappies during the night and we ran out of grobags so had to use the duvet we were given. He loved it, it made him feel like a really big boy and he just pulls it back up over himself when he gets cold in the night.
As for changing him to the cotbed+guard, well Charlie loves his cot and I think its an individual decision as for us its a matter of as long as he is happy in his cot then the sides will stay on. He can climb in and out the end of the cot onto the chair next to it (we leave it alongside on purpose as a safe escape route) but even when he has been shouting to get up in the morning he has never climbed out yet for the reason to wake us :think:
We have a guard ready and DH is tempted to remove the bars but I want to leave it as long as possible....I like having our bed to ourselves :shhh:
as anything i think it varies baby to baby, but we tried jack in a toddler bed a couple of months ago, but he just wouldnt settle in it :( he'd just find a way to climb out and trash his room :roll:. Its like atm he needs the restriction of his cot to sleep. He also like Ryan moves about hell of alot in his sleep which i dont think helps either :(. Which tbh is why i wouldnt dare give him a duvet yet. coz i think it would just end up over his head :? . If you've got a cotbed (so the sides come off) it might be worth trying him without them on and see what hes like, if not leave it a bit longer :). ( we ended up buying a new cot for the baby coz jack just wasnt ready)
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I think Arianna was about 19mths when we changed her cot into the bed. I chose to do it then as she was climbing and I would rather she fell out a bed at a couple of inches off the floor than from the cot bars at a couple of feet off the floor.

Her cot bed is REALLY low so we never had a bed guard, I just scatterd cushions down for the first while on the floor but she never once fell out.

When we bought the cotbed it came with a duvet so not sure where you would buy one from - but the likes of Babys r Us and Mothercare will no doubt have. For duvet covers, I get them from here ... EAodVkDhPg they are mostly reasonably priced and the delivery is really quick.

Arianna has used a duvet for ages tho... even in her cot... I cant think how long :think: exactly but it has been a loooonnng time.

Hope this helps a little :)
I think I've seen cot bed bedding in the childrend dept of TKMAXX
Maisy does the same and also has a pillow. i put it under her bottom sheet and tuck it in tight, that way she cant move it or get under it.
jennywren said:
Oran also moves a hell of alot at night, he goes to bed at 8pm and when I check on him at 11pm before I go he is in all sorts of positions, upside down, curled up in te corner, width ways with his legs out the bars but he does have a duvet, I tuck him in when he goes to bed (he has a pillow) but he always pulls it free, but he must just instinctivlty kick it off when he is sleeping as ive never found his head under it. Ive gone in in the morning though and he has pulled it back over himself so I know if he needed to he would (probably :think: )

Cot Bed quilts are available from mothecare, they are expensive shell at about £29.99 so we just have one and I was it on my day off and put it in the airing cupboard to dry quickly.

Ill be changing orans cot to bed for when he is about 2 I reacon, thats my thoughts at present. He wouldnt understand now why he cant get out, im hoping he will when he is 2!
Aidan will be 2 in a fortnight and a few months ago worked out he could climb out of his cot so we had no choice but to put him into a bed. He's never had a bed guard and has only fallen out once. He has a duvet over him and when it comes off he pulls it back on and if hes too hot he pushes it off so it suits him.
SarahH said:
Just found this and it's only £16 ... -2467.html

It says not suitable for children under 12mths

i like that site, and thats a good price for duvet but then its like £25-£30 for the cover and pillow case - mind you if we do orans bedroom with a theme I would pay that but I do think they (not that site just companies) rip you off for cot stuff, you could get single bed sets for loads cheaper!

The ones in mothercare are £30 for the duvet pre stitched within the cover so you wash the whole thing, their not to thick though so depends if you have a cold baby lol
Cant answer many of your questions cause Maia is only 3 months so no experience in this dept im afraid but I did see some cot bed duvets in Toys R Us/Babies R Us.
Lola's Mummy said:
They sell cot pillows, cot duvets & covers in ikea :D

Yeah I bought one from Ikea for Arianna too - I think I actually have a fetish for buying new bedding... Arianna must have about 7sets and we have, well about 10 :oops:
Erm im not sure, I have a cot bed duvet for imm but its them all inclusive type ones I got in a set when she was first born.

Im sure iv seen them in mothercare though.
Sorry i forgot to post (sleep deprivation seriously plays with your memory), I found this link ... bedding/#8 and also the packaging on her duvet says not suitable for under 12 months.
I'm going to buy a cover for Jess' and give her a whirl in it, she has been really sleeping badly for a month or so and have not found a solution yet so gonna she how she goes with this. :hug: :hug:
I got mine, plus pillow and sheets/covers etc from IKEA.

Was thinking of keeping her in her cot til she is about 10 :wink: so she can't come to find me in the early mornings :)
Don't really know when because she is really wiggly and ends of all over the place. I'm using a travel bed at the moment because she wacks herself against the sides so often it stops her waking up.

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