Cot or Moses Basket??


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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We went to antenatal classes last night and this discussion came up!!

Apparantly babies are more inclined to feel safer in a Moses Basket to begin with, I just wondered how many of you did this,or how many of you put baby straight into a cot in your room?? And did any of you just put baby in a cot in its nursery from day one?
We put Ellie, in her moses basket - inside the cot in her nursery from day one.

Can't vote as that isn't an option. We didn't use the moses basket for that long, about 1 month (can't quite remember) as she started to find it too confining (she kept thumping the sides :) )

Some babies like being swaddled as well, we tried that, she hated it! She wriggled and wriggled until she got her arms free.
With my other 2 they have gone in a moses basket in our room but this time he will be going in a moses basket in his cot in our room cos we don't have anywhere else to put the cot.
As we are now just putting cot in our room, until we move, we'll just be using the moses basket for in the living room or when we got to MIL's!
We put Harrison staright into the moses basket & put it inside his crib but now he's starting to look around alot more he doesnt seem to like the moses basket and tends to cry untill you take him out lol :lol: I've also found it hasn't lasted that long as Harrison has nearly grown out of his already.

But i think it all depends on you and your baby. The moses basket does come in handy as i leave that downstairs for when i bring him down.
I'm planning to have moses basket in stand in our room at first, then once LO outgrows the basket move him/her into the cot in the nursery. Could all change when baby's actually here though!
Charlie is in a moses basket - still! :shock:

We don't have room for the cot in our room, so we are trying to keep him in the moses basket for as long as possible. And praying the council can move us before he gets too much bigger! :pray: :D

DH's cousin will be lending us a travel cot if they can't as it is smaller than the cot we have and we may just manage to squeeze it into the bedroom!! :roll:
Zack slept in a moses basket next to my bed, it felt alot safer than a cot to have him right there next to me. Baby will be sleeping in a moses basket next to me aswell. :D
I had a moses basket in a cot but Aaron hated it! He was in his cot within 4 days, glad I didn't pay for it! Would just use a cot on the next one.

We had a rocking crib, it was GREAT.
Moses basket for a while, upstairs at night and downstairs in the day, then put the moses basket in the cot for a few weeks at night (still just moses downstairs in the day) and then a cot on it's own after a a couple of months. Didn't move cot into nursery till Damien was 9.5/10 months old. Damien HATED the crib. wouldn't sleep in it.
I thought Leorah would sleep in her moses basket but when she was first born she had trouble lying flat it would cause so much wind! I tried propping it with a pillow under the matress but still that wasn't any good! She ended up sleeping in my bed for the first 6 weeks, I'd section of a big area with pillows and then when she woke in pain I could cuddle her. On Friday she then went into her cot in her own room with no problems (apart from not being able to get to sleep but she had this in my bed too!). I think a moses basket in your room is the best idea but in hindsight I would have had a rocking crib as my arms don't half ache trying to get her to nod off :lol:
Well we had bought a cot and it was in our room but he looked too small for it so we popped out and bought a crib for him and he was in our room XkelX
we had a moses basket in Jamies cot for him to go into but with my c section stitches it was just easier to have him in bed with us so he could feed and sleep as he pleased!

now he is in his big boy cot as he gets claustrophobic in his moses basket

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