Well, Maheen WAS fine, till yesterday, when she had her last set of jabs!!! she coped with it quite well, I thougt, great! but she woke up at 03
0am, and agan 06
0 am with LOTS of gaz!!!
I took her with me this morning, and for the very first time, she was fine on her tummy on me! It was a real firework, though, poor thing, it must have been so painful!
I really hope it's just a reaction to the jabs, and that it was a night off! I am really used to her sleeping through now!
Anyway, she seems ok for the moment, she is back asleep in her cot!
She has not rolled over yet, and does not snhow any sign of it any more!
I thought she was gonna to, 2 weeks ago, coz, she kept on pushing with her little legs, but she has stopped doing that! I think she is just lazy, or comfy enough on her back!
we took her to swimig pool 2 weeks ago, she loved it and with 2 other mums from the postnatal group, we have planned to go together next wednesday, so 3 of us with our little frogs! gonna be fun!
I will read your post on the other thread, haven't done it yet, but I don't think you should worry, Lisa, there are so many of us worrying because they DON't roll over
It#'s quite a natural thing to do for them, that's one of their milestones, just "keep an eye on it " Lol! (hmm, I think I should become a HV!!!!
Take care,
Mel xx