Cot Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

In a bit of a pickle. My little one is eight weeks old and I've noticed she hasn't been sleeping all that well in her moses basket in our bedroom. She is a big baby and sometime if she moves in her sleep she whacks her arm or leg on the side of the basket and wakes up. Her cot is in her room and is too big to go in our bedroom. Is it too early to move her to her own room. The two rooms are right next to each other so she would only be about 10ft away but not sure what to do for the best. Any advice or opinions would be great!

Thanks xx
I'm having the exact same dilemma at the moment too. Jack's not even 9 weeks old yet but he's rapidly growing out of his moses basket and the only other option is to put him in his cot which is too big to go in our room. I'll delay it as long as possible because i personally still feel like it's a bit soon. But when it becomes unavoidable i might spend a few nights in there with him (on the floor, not in the cot obviously haha!) just until he gets used to it. After that i guess i'll just have to rely on the monitor :(

If you have no other options then i'd go ahead hun, it'll happen eventually anyway xx
It's a really personal decision. I moved both of mine in to their own rooms about 8 weeks. Sharing a room wasn't working for either me or my little ones so then we both got no sleep which was a nightmare. You could try it and see if your comfortable. The other options are, if you have room, moving the cot in ti your room or you sleeping on the floor in their room.
I agree with Kbex it is a personal decision. I waited till Angel was 5 months and 3 weeks but I'm a very paranoid person and there was so many times I nearly moved her earlier but I was too scared lol. Our cot is quite big too so we moved our TV and my dressing table out and we just about had the room, can you re-arrange a bit if you're not keen on moving them or is it definitely not possible? Angel didn't last long in her basket, she kept whacking her arms and she's really long and she outgrew it quite quickly xx
We've just tried to fit it in our room and it just won't go! The only way would be to move our bed out which defeats the object lol! I might sleep on the floor in her room. I bet I just wimp out all together now and put her in her Moses basket!!! I just feel bad because I'd hate to think I was preventing her from getting a good nights sleep because I'm so paranoid!!xx
We moved Grace into her cot in her own room at 8 weeks for the exact same reason with the Moses basket
We had this problem at about 6 weeks so we got a travel cot with bassinette attachment. He stayed in the travel cot til he was just over 5 months. It's a happy medium if u haven't got the space for a full on cot! Xx
what about getting a crib, bigger than a moses basket but smaller than a full sized cot?
I had same prob at 11 weeks and I tried the travel cot but was concerned about his back support for long term use.
I bit the bullet and put lo in his room and he sleeps amazingly! I have an angel care movement and sound monitor and it is amazing and gives such piece of mind x x
Why don't you try putting LO down in the day in the cot and see how that goes and see if you want to carry this on at night.
I think it depends on how often you are up with them in the night!! We put little man in his cot at 12 weeks and was fine but by then he wasnt feeding in the night!! It just depends on how ready your baby is!!
We put E in her room at 6 weeks as she was getting too big for her basket and we were keeping each other awake.

First night in own room was the most settled she ever slept.

Think we will only last til 12 weeks before we move E. She is in a crib in our room but I think she will sleep better in her own and so will I! I think her cot mattress will be more comfy and also she starts making noises in her sleep at least half an hour before she actually needs feeding which wakes me up but if I try and feed her early she just drops off again. Her room is next to ours and my head will be about 5 ft away from where she sleeps, and we have an angelcare monitor so I'm comfortable giving it a go.
Thanks for all the advice ladies!

I'm contemplating getting a bigger crib to go in our room. Although I took the advice and tried Lexi in her cot for this morning's nap and she settled straight away and still there now. I'll see how it
I've been sleeping on a mattress in Samira's room since we moved her into her cot, I find it reasonably comfortable so am happy enough doing this until she is 6 months old, and tbh I think my husband has been quite pleased to be able to sleep at night and hasn't been missing either of us very much! :smile:
Totally agree that its a personal decision. We moved Jax at 10 weeks as he hated the moses basket and would only co sleep. We went away for New Year and when we cam back I moved him straight into his cot in his room and he took to it straight away. He's still not a great sleeper - still wakes for milk 2 or 3 times a night and gets up very early but settling him in his cot and self settling are no absolutely no problem at all. Plus, in between getting up, I sleep much better now!

Tbh, our house is pretty small and he's probably less than 4 meters away from us still, even though he's in a different room so sometimes I think he's probably actually still closer to us than some babies who are still in with their parents in a massive bedroom!
I got a travel cot for Dylan and then bought a mattress to go in it as we were having the same issue. First night in it he slept with.his arms sprawled out to the sides! It didn't.cost that much, we wanted a travel cot anyway. As he's in it every night though I think the additional mattress was needed. Cot is m&p 35 quid argos and the mattress was under 20 quid delivered from a company on eBay or amazon, can't remember. X

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