cot bed


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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Braydon normally wakes up and is fine playing for half hour while i get to sleep still haha
but this morning after bout 10 mins he started calling for my dad (not me my dad :twisted: ) really badley so i went rushing in and there he was with his leg over his cot bed side!!

my dad sed hell be fine with the sides being kept on for a lil longer but im not so sure! he is such a wriggler wen asleep i dunno if he manage staying in his bed!! would he be ok going in to a normal bed at nearly 18 months or is it to early?
and how do i go about getting him used to it? and not getting out of bed every 5mins!!

i dont think im ready for baby boy to come out of his cot :cry:
If you are worried he's going to climb out you have a few options, you could put him to bed in a gro-bag to keep his legs together and covered, you could take the sides off (obviously) or you could put soft things under his cot so if and when he does manage it he falls on a quilt or something. He night not be able to do it for ages yet anyway.

When we took Mason's sides off he loved it so much he didn't want to get out. You can go with him to buy a new bed set maybe, with his favorite character on, and make sure he has a gate on his bedroom door.
Aaron can fully climb out of his cot bed and it does my head in! I used to be able to put him in there if I needed to go to the toilet without him wrecking the house but if I do it now he's straight out! I haven't taken the sides off yet because it does keep him in sometimes but as soon as I walk out of the room he's out :lol:
Strangeness said:
Aaron can fully climb out of his cot bed and it does my head in! I used to be able to put him in there if I needed to go to the toilet without him wrecking the house but if I do it now he's straight out! I haven't taken the sides off yet because it does keep him in sometimes but as soon as I walk out of the room he's out :lol:

does he hurt himself wen he does it? thats wot im worried bout B as he had draws near by
He's never fallen yet. Is B aware of danger? Like if he climbs up on something can he get down by himself? Aaron climbs up and off of everything and can go up and down stairs. If he thinks he can't do it he won't but he usually came! damn :lol:
Strangeness said:
He's never fallen yet. Is B aware of danger? Like if he climbs up on something can he get down by himself? Aaron climbs up and off of everything and can go up and down stairs. If he thinks he can't do it he won't but he usually can! damn :lol:
yeh he can do everythng like that hopefully hell be ok then thanks hun

Willow went into her cotbed at about 1 1/2 and we just put a gate on her door so she couldn't get out of her room, touch wood she has only got out of bed twice and that was recently i think the novelty of a new bed kept her in it :lol: the only thing i can suggest is try him but keep the cot just in case he may surprise you :shock:


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