
yeah Cori! I looged on this morning to see if you had tested!! You are keeping us is suspense!!
:lol: Hi guys! Yes I tested and wish I hadn't - BFN :( But look at my temp this morning! Last month it started dropping on CD22, but this time it has gone right up. I hope it stays up tomorrow, as I should start AF tomorrow. If not, Sunday. But it's usually 13 or 13 1/2 days after I ovulate. Last month was a bit different though - 12 days after, I think.

I had a bit of a headache this morning, but not as bad as the one I had last month the day before AF. I've got a bit of backache aswell. But I don't usually get the extreme fatigue, dizziness and nausea till the day of AF, so I'm hoping all that stays away tomorrow :pray: Although I can feel some little twinges in my stomach. But I've been constipated for a few days, so it might be that :pray:
Hope AF stays away hun :pray: I dont know anything about temps unfortunately, should really learn :wink:
Hey Cori....hope this month is really lucky for you, I didnt get a bfp until day AF was due so hang in there! :hug:
Everythings crossed for you Cori. Temp staying up usually indicates pregnancy :pray:
I learned a lot about temps but mine never stayed the norm, mine were all over the place and could never see anything from them so gave up :(
Thanks everyone! I used an ebay test. I thought it would have shown up early on that if I was. :?
Not necessarily hun, I didnt get a line on an ebay test until I was 3 days past AF due date :hug:
When ever I've tested early or even on AF due date mine have never shown up. I've always had to be a couple of days late and then only got real light lines, so fingers crossed still :hug:
Ooh, that's promising then. I feel a bit nauseous now though :(
Booooo! Sorry hun - there's still time though! Sending you a big hug :hug: and a huge flyswat to bat AF away!
It is not over yet so there is still chance and your temps look really good :D

Got everything crossed for you :pray: :hug:
Thanks Lorna. Not looking good though (see Chartstalkers thread)

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