Cord Blood Banking


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
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Sorry for asking such a heavy question this morning... :think:

OH and I are trying to know a bit more about the option of cord blood banking as we've been researching on the internet but are still haven't made our decision yet - we are still quite :? .

Are any of you considering this option? In my country it's optional and quite expensive since it is a service provided only by profit making cord blood banks and not subsidised by the government in any way. I read that it may help infants against a lot of serious illnesses - although some claims are as yet unsubstantiated.

The thing is I'm asking if it's worth it as I would easily opt for it if it weren't that expensive, if anything, just to be on the safe side, but if it were just a gimmick I would just rule it out. I hope none of our children will need it of course, but now that I know about it, I would feel bad to just ignore it without at least knowing more about it.

SORRY it took me such a long message to make my point !! Hope to hearing from you !! Thanks

If i remember im gonna ask my midwife today as its something we thought about too :think:
sorry i was meaning i want to know more about donating for other people to use.
Yeh I think I've heard its expensive to do too!

I'm hoping to donate my cord blood though if my area does it :D
I donated my cord blood when I had my son and I plan to this time too, I feel if everyone donated it then if my baby needs it in the future there will be enough to help him/her anyway.
Well ive just been informed that i donated the blood from my DD's cord!! My OH tell's me they asked me if i'd like to, i apparently agreed.. and then they took it! :lol: he can remember it as clear as day.. i think i was too busy gazing at my lovely baby.. i'll do it again!

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