Consultant & scan appointment


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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hey there i thought id let you all know how i got on today as off the other day when i had to stay in hospital with high OC (itching alot in pregnancy)- cannot say the other name lol.

Went for a growth scan and hes doing great :dance::lol: hes weighing at about 4 pounds 6 at the minute and i'll be 33 weeks tmos yay.

Also seen the consultant she seems happy with me although every tuesday i will have to go and have a blood test and there guna keep an eye on me bile acids etc...

Although she has mentioned that i might need to be induced early although when im around 37-38 weeks if he hasnt arrived before then(which now im hoping my waters go on there own now) lol.

Thats in about 4 weeks :eh::shock: how nervewracking because she mentioned about the tablet that will be to induce me and im scared its guna hurt an if they aint gentle omg i dont half make myself panic. I really want my waters to go on there on and dont want them inserting tablets otherwise it wont feel normal to me because its settin labour off basically i wont be in control i know what i mean lol.

So now ive got to start washing all the clothes for me labour bag and get organized me thinks!!

Getting this far is a total bonus :)

Im scared of meeting little man early i think its because we predicted he would pretty much be here on or near his due date so maybe i got me hopes up to high that i was going to meet him then an not sooner basically if im induced at 37-38 weeks i still feel like its to early so i dont know what im talking about half the time lol.

Thanks for reading x
ahh glad to hear the consultant was pleased with your progress. I'd love to know what weight my baby is now!

Dont panic too much about induction, if youre panicing you're less likely to go into labour! Have you got a bouncy ball yet? The gym balls in tesco are really cheap, Ive got one and its just as good as any other IMO. Im sitting on it every night for about half an hour, while Im watching tv, just bobbing around in the corner of my OH's eye lol.

Aparently sperm on your cervix helps it soften and get ready for labour, which will make it easier if they do induce you cos it will be half way ready. I read somewhere that the chemicals in that pill they use to induce you is the same as the natural chemicals in sperm :yay: a much more fun way to be induced if you ask me!!! :rofl:

Good luck anyway hun, keep us updated! :)
:) Glad to hear your apponintment went well as far as your scan went.....i had a growth scan at 32 weeks and Ava was weighing just over 4 pounds. :)

Sorry to hear you are worried about going in a little early but they say at 37 weeks we are ready as is baby so please try not to worry...easy for me to say i know but i'm sure the less you stress the easier things may you may well go into labour on your own that way! :)

Keep us updated on whats happening :hug:
That's a great weight! Best of luck with it all...:)
glad to hear all is ok with you and that you'll be checked on reguarly! you're in safe hands :) i may have to be induced too if my LO doesn't start budging soon so i totally get not wanting to be induced! i think it would just prolong it all personally, but if it needs to be done there's not much you can do.. just get a birthing ball and bounce whenever you can!! that's what i'm doing hehe xxx
Glad things are looking up hun - great news xxx
They will give me a bouncy ball in the labour room im bit skint at the min but if i knew that was meant to help i wud of got one by now :( lol.
i can tell little man is so not ready to come out yet and i really wished he could stay in longer and go full term but they wont let me as of that OC condition its very dangerous to me and baby its poisening us both but they wont induce me early due complications as hes to early and they wont deliever him after 38 weeks because there can be a risk of stil birth which is why every week there keeping close eye on babys heartbeat and blood tests. Im not sure if the tablet they insert will hurt me :( ??? i get tense if there guna prod and poke and i know ive got no choice but sit there and let them bring on contractions when it feels like im the mummy to be an needs and wants her pregnancy to be all done on her own part lol.
Im just really praying to god my waters break way before hand lol.
I thought theyd give me a tablet to swallow rather than stick something up that way :S xx
this is the cheapest one I could find,$ja=tsid:11527%7Ccc:%7Cprd:9003008%7Ccat:sports+%26+leisure+%3E+home+gym+equipment+%3E+fitness+accessories

but we got ours in tesco for i think around £3. On their website theyre only showing a full kit of bits n bobs including hte ball, but in store you can definately buy it on its own.

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