Consultant Appointment..


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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So today I had an appointment with my consultant. I had one at 14 weeks, due to a past medical history of epilepsy and medication.

I went along and had my BP done, which was 110/60 so all good. Then had my bloods taken as was meant to last week - was awful, the nurse did a great job, but I get so panicky and was sweating and shaking and all sorts! Suprised I didn't end up crying! They want to check my blood count to see if I'm anaemic.

I then had my wee dipped - I had glucose+++, protein and leucocytes present, so suspected UTI. I was given antibiotics to take for 5 days and will be contacted with the lab results as they sent it off for further testing.

Consultant then decided to get the doppler out and check LO heart beat. The MW has always been able to find her pretty much straight away, but took what seemed like forever today. It was horrible, I kept looking over at OH and had to try so hard to fight back my tears and then she found her! Little sod! Forgot to ask the heart rate, but sounded a little weaker and slower than last time?

She measured my bump and said she's happy with LO growth at this stage and that she's average size (well my bump is lol).

I also asked about CONI (care of the next infant) support, due to family history of cot death, still birth and miscarriage in late pregnancy. The consultant asked one of the MW and was told to expect a phone call. About an hour after leaving, one of the MW from the mental health team rang back, which confused me a little. She was asking if I felt I needed extra support etc etc. I think the consultant misunderstood me a little but oh well, got sorted in the end! She is going to talk to the community MW who will then contact me to talk more in depth about it all.

I also mentioned that I was worried that I don't eat / drink enough. I find it very difficult to force myself to eat regularly and freuenlty and drink less than a litre of water a day. I struggled with this before pregnancy too. MW didnt seem too concerned, so all good. May ask for some vits though.

So, I have to go back again in 2 weeks to discuss blood results, urine results as well as checking to see if the UTI has gone and other things. And hopefully listen to LO again!!

So glad that I have the antibiotics now, thank god I got a reason as to why I've been feeling so off! Hopefully start feeling back to normal by the end of the week!!

Oh bugger, just remembered, forgot to mention my arm going numb all the time!! Oh well, at least I got one thing ticked off the list!! xxx
Glucose in your urine? Are you diabetic?

Edit: I just checked and I didn't realise that it's not uncommon to have a little sugar in your urine in pregnancy. You learn something new every day!
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Glucose in your urine? Are you diabetic?

I asked her if glucose was commonly present in urine with a UTI and she said no. She asked if I'd had a sugary drink just before as that could be the reason why. I had just had a few mouthfuls of fruit dilute and not long before had my lunch.

She said that they would do a GTT if there is glucose in a few of my urine samples, but as it's only been in one so far, will wait and see what happens in 2 weeks when they test again. I really hope it isn't diabtetes!! x
I've had glucose in my urine 3 times when checked, but mw not concerned due to having gtt come back clear. Plus chocolate cake and nutella on toast seems to set it off :) lol Just have to be good the day before my next mw appt xx
Glucose in your urine? Are you diabetic?

I asked her if glucose was commonly present in urine with a UTI and she said no. She asked if I'd had a sugary drink just before as that could be the reason why. I had just had a few mouthfuls of fruit dilute and not long before had my lunch.

She said that they would do a GTT if there is glucose in a few of my urine samples, but as it's only been in one so far, will wait and see what happens in 2 weeks when they test again. I really hope it isn't diabtetes!! x
I wouldn't worry at this stage. As I said in my edit, I did some further research and it appears that some women do 'leak' some glucose into their urine during pregnancy, due to changes in the kidney filtration system. It doesn't necessarily mean diabetes.

If they find glucose again, they'll probably send you for a GTT, just to check.
I've had glucose in my urine 3 times when checked, but mw not concerned due to having gtt come back clear. Plus chocolate cake and nutella on toast seems to set it off :) lol Just have to be good the day before my next mw appt xx

Same, think it was just because I'd not long eaten dinner x
Glucose in your urine? Are you diabetic?

I asked her if glucose was commonly present in urine with a UTI and she said no. She asked if I'd had a sugary drink just before as that could be the reason why. I had just had a few mouthfuls of fruit dilute and not long before had my lunch.

She said that they would do a GTT if there is glucose in a few of my urine samples, but as it's only been in one so far, will wait and see what happens in 2 weeks when they test again. I really hope it isn't diabtetes!! x
I wouldn't worry at this stage. As I said in my edit, I did some further research and it appears that some women do 'leak' some glucose into their urine during pregnancy, due to changes in the kidney filtration system. It doesn't necessarily mean diabetes.

If they find glucose again, they'll probably send you for a GTT, just to check.

Oh no, I'm not worried! Just hope it isn't that! x

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