Constant pain in bump...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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Since yesterday morning i have had a constant pain/discomfort in the left side of my bump. I would describe it as being similar to a stitch. It doesn't come and go, it's just always there. Does anyone know what this could be?

Thanks xxx
It could be round ligament pain by the sound of it. I had like a constant stitch feeling everytime I moved until recently. If you are worried at all or it gets worse, contact your midwife to make sure.
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I had something a bit similar a week or so ago like an ache from my bump to the my back all the way round on one side. I just put them down to growing pains
Thanks girls.

Mine does stretch round to my back a bit too. I've had these types of pains before but they normally go away within a couple of hours.
Hiya Hun,

I'm havin the exact same thing, I went to my GP tonight, he had a good feel around and said it was ligaments stretching he said to take paracetamol to ease the pain and he signed me off work until 8the Aug!

Mine goes down to my left hip and he said it xould be SPD so he's just going to monitor me and see how it goes

Hope u feel better soon x
Sounds like ligament pain to me. I dont have it all the time but I find that even walking for 5 mins brings on the worst type of stitch.. normally I can walk a stitch off but with these I have to stop and take a break for a few mins.
I get a stitch and similar type of pain wen iv walked a bit
And it goes aftera awhile. I'm sure it's just eveytthing growing in the right way x
You can get a belt that supports the bump when you walk. My physio has referred me for a special one because my back is also out and needs to help to get back into position. However, I think you can just get standard support belts from like Boots or Mothercare and the like.

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