I am fairly new to this web site. I just wanted to get peoples opinions on the following. Me and OH are not trying actively to conceive but we have been using the withdrawal method for the last few months. Basically from after day 14 of my cycle this I have felt exhausted this month more than ever before. Normally go to gym every night and walk the dogs couldnt even get of the sofa from around day 16 to day 25 which is today. Had some cramp type pains and upset stomach slightly. Mainly the tiredness is driving me mad. Today noticed pale pink when wiped sorry TMI. Done a test today but negative. Probably not pregnant but maybe I could be? Any opinions welcome. Also made me realise that if im not pregnant then maybe would like to start trying.
I am fairly new to this web site. I just wanted to get peoples opinions on the following. Me and OH are not trying actively to conceive but we have been using the withdrawal method for the last few months. Basically from after day 14 of my cycle this I have felt exhausted this month more than ever before. Normally go to gym every night and walk the dogs couldnt even get of the sofa from around day 16 to day 25 which is today. Had some cramp type pains and upset stomach slightly. Mainly the tiredness is driving me mad. Today noticed pale pink when wiped sorry TMI. Done a test today but negative. Probably not pregnant but maybe I could be? Any opinions welcome. Also made me realise that if im not pregnant then maybe would like to start trying.