

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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Sorry for any repetition as i have posted about this last week but just looking for some more ideas or similar experiences.
I took my last pill on 24th may & had withdrawal bleed on 29th.
I has bought Clearblue opk's in prep and out of interest tried one on around 6th june - was neg as expected. I tried again on 12th june and had solid smiley face!
I had sex twice on 15th june.
I have not had period as yet. I know my periods can take while to settle down but its the positive opk thing that confuses me as surely if i ovulated i should have had a period by now?
I have done hpt with neg result - this was 16 days after i had sex.
Should i have any concerns?

Stress can delay your periods, so it could be that? I noticed this thread was in the waiting to try? Are you TTC?
I am not stressed we have only just decided to try for a baby so not at that stage yet.
I post in wtt as i am waiting for my first period after stopping pill so that i can work out dates to dtd etc.
But yes technically i am ttc but just confused as to what is going on at the moment.
Once i have had a first period and can work out ov dates etc i will post in ttc if i have any questions.
Anyone else have any similar experiences??

I meant stress in general, not stressing about TTC. Really hope you come on soon so you can start properly :)
I think you just need to give it time. A positive OPK just means a surge in the hormone, not necessarily ovulation itself - so you could get 2 positives in the same month before you get your period. Hopefully things will settle down and become regular quickly but don't assume they will. Everyone's different so it might take a while for af to show up after coming off the pill. My body is still all over the place and I took my last pill in December xxx
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Nutsyputs do u mean preg test, no as thought no point as would easily have showed up when i did first test? I used Clearblue with conception indicator?
Do u think its still possible i could be pregnant?
MrsLM - no i am not stressed about anything this thing is just puzzling me!
Hopefully AF will start soon if not i may see GP in a month or so.

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