

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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After speaking to my hv she feels i have post natal depression :( Going to GP tomorrow. Does anyone have a view regarding Anti Depressents. Could i also thank all of you lovely ladies for writing back to my last message. They made me cry but also gave me stregth to approach my HV about my troubles. You are all wonderful :hug: :hug: :hug:
Your more than welcome hun, I'm so pleased that you spoke to your HV about how you're feeling, now just focus on getting yourself back on track :hug:
I'm glad you have shared how you are feeling with your HV hun. I hope you are feeling better very soon! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My doc prescribed me anti ds after Rubys birth, I was struggling and felt very low/anxious. They have helped me enormously. I have previously taken them before pregnancy after a marriage break up and major health scare. I stopped them when I was TTCing

Hope you are soon feeling better, dont feel you have to take them i you dont want to, there are ther options such as counselling etc....

Sending hugsxxxxx
I take them, and ive managed to ween myself down to half the dose i was taking quite quickly. i didn't want to become too depended on them, so i made a point of after taking them for 4 weeks, to reduce the dose myself (if that makes sense). i don't feel ready to stop, but i feel they help me.

speak to your doc about your options... there are loads of different groups etc around that can help. i went to one that helped me LOADS.

:hug: we are here if you need us

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