

New Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Me and my partner have been trying for a while now so that our little girl will have a sibling to grow up with, and i'm now 4 days late, and have been feeling queasy and have an ache in my lower back, the exact things i felt wen i was pregnant with my daughter and yet the pregnancy test says negative, im convinced i am but could i just be imagining it? my period has been every 21 days for the last 8 months, same time every 21 days without fail, i'm not stressed out or anything like that, works good, unis good, my family life is great...i couldnt wish for more, should i wait a few more days or wat?? confused!!!!:wall2:
It could be just one of those things where it takes a while to get a :bfp: Wait 2 days and test again.

Welcome to the forum :)
id give it another week to be sure.
the way i found out i was pregnant was scary.

everyone knows wat period pains feel like but i didnt feel anything a week before like i usually get but then i couldnt wait any longer so made hubby get a test lmao.
i was only bout 3 weeks plus

give it a few more days try holding out aslong as you can for a better result :)
are periods due on time or later than expected?

hope u get the result you like huni an hugs x
I was sure too and didnt get my bfp til I was a week late for AF. I was like you. So confused, then I accepted that I wasnt pregnant, then I thought, Ill just doo ne more before I see the GP, and it was BFP!!! I was so shocked! Im not sure I was holding it in my pee for long enough when I was getting my BFNs, used a disposable cup in the end and got a bfp. Good luck!
Hey there...same here!!

i have backache n tummy cramps sore boobs/nipples past 2 days and nothing...i was due last past period was DEc 12th! ive doen two cheapy tests and negative...i dunno what to think..i feel im imagining it all now!!
I too would say give it a few more days and test again :) You know your own body better than anyone, and missing a period on a textbook cycle sounds promising :) Good luck :dust: xx
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