Confused - What milk?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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My LO is breastfed and we will be weening her onto solids and off the boobie in a few mnths.

So if i stop BF'g at 6mnths what milk am i supposed to feed her after this point? all the posts ive read refer to milk still being an integral part of their diet but i know you arent supposed to give normal cows milk until they are much older - am i supposed to go onto formula at this point?
Hiya, we're just at that stage now. Got to 6 months exclusively breastfeeding.

I've now dropped 2 of the breastfeeds per day and am replacing them with formula feeds. He really didn't like it at first but we persevered with different bottles, teats, formulas, etc and he's finally taking it.

I'm using Hipp organic follow on milk which is designed from 6 mths on wards to compliment a weaning diet. I think most formula makes do follow on milk as part of their ranges.

Just beware, Ash had allergic reaction to quite a few of the formulas. We had to try most of the ones on the market!

Babies should still have at least a pint of milk a day, so approx just under 20 ounces.

Just wanted to say, you can still use first milks up to 12 months as well you don't have to go with a follow on milk. The positives being that first milks are easier to digest and might not be such a shock to the system. We use Aptamil First milk (we always have) and I think its brilliant, our HV also says its the best one on the market.
We alternate between cow and gate 1 (normal) and 3 (follow on) depending on whether I'm bored of one and fancy a different colour... plus you get advantage card points on follow on milk...
I also bf for 6 months and started using Aptamil first stage from then, and will continue to use this until he's about 1. I thought it was best to move onto a lighter milk and Aptamil is supposed to be closest to breast milk so I thought this would make an easy transition and I've had no problems at all with doing it. He also gets a well balanced diet (all home cooked) so there's no need for me to give him anything with extra iron etc in it.
for a drink babies under 1 must hav breast or formula milk. but in cooking normal cows milk is ok.

i stopped BFing when melissa was 8 months, she'd had the occasional bottle of formula since 6 months (when i went out or something) and has been on sma gold, but when i quit BF completely she now has hipp organic follow-on milk. she only has 2 bottles a day.

sometimes i use readymade cartons if im out tho and its usually aptamil or farleys (both follow-ons) she doesnt seem affected by switching brands, i dont think it matters with older babies so much
We've never had any trouble with HiPP formula. I'd personally move onto the 6month plus, might be worth asking your HV and looking into the differences between the different stage formulas too, very best wishes with it :hug: :hug: :hug:

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