confused - i know it dont take much


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i wondering wen will Braydon start skool?? he is a sep 2005 baby? my mum wen i was preg kept sayin dont have him before the 5th september and cant work out does that mean i have longer with him before he starts or less time
i know i shouldnt think bout it now but im interested and still cant work it out lol
beth and Tom's b'day is late Sept and they are the oldest in their class.

I would say less time :hug:
Im not sure what happens with ewan either, and he is the 22nd august he will either be the oldest or the youngest.

Apparently you can defer them for a year and wait till they are a bit older before starting school...

i dont understnad it all

is it when they are 4 or 5 when they start school?

My Sam was born on 5th Sept 2000, which makes him the oldest in the class.

Your Braydon will be 5(or very close to it)2010, Sam spent 2 years in Nursery, age 3 and 4.
If its befor 5th sapt 2005, he will start school sept 2008, if after it will be 2009.
Just reworked it back.....

They are in year 3 now and they started nursery in 2002 just before their 4th b'days and started reception 2003 just before their 5th b'day.

hope this helps :hug:
so he will be 5 or close to it??
which mean hypnorm i think ewan would be the youngest hun im the 11th aug n was one of the yuongest
Hypnorm said:
Im not sure what happens with ewan either, and he is the 22nd august he will either be the oldest or the youngest.

Apparently you can defer them for a year and wait till they are a bit older before starting school...

i dont understnad it all

is it when they are 4 or 5 when they start school?

He'll be the youngest hun.

I was born 27th December 1975 & my friend was born 2nd September 1976 so not alot of age difference between us but because she was born after 1st Sept she was in the year below me at school, if she had been born 31st August she would have been in the same year as me.

Got this off a website -

Statutory school age is the age when your child must start school.
It is the beginning of the term immediately following your child’s 5th birthday.

There are "cut-off" dates for each term. If your child’s 5th birthday comes between

1st April and 31st August
s/he must start school at the beginning of the Autumn Term in September

1st September and 31st December
s/he must start school at the beginning of the Spring Term in January

1st January and 31st March
s/he must start school at the beginning of the Summer Term in April
so Braydon will start in January i didnt realiese they had so many start dates lol
Nor did I unless it varys from council to council! I got that one off a Surrey council website so assume its the same throughout the country.

I would ring up the school you want B to go to & enquire about it & put your name down. I know in the area I live in the names have to be put down pronto otherwise you may not get into the school you want.
I'm still confused, i think i'll email one of the local schools and see what they suggest. as i know you need to book early to get a placement sround here.
i think they should have 1 start date on one age so you dont get a child 1 day younger than another in the year below!
i think it is organised terribly!
Well B & T born in Sept are the eldest in their class, Aug babies are usually the youngest.

i would say school will be coming up to 5 Sarah and nursery will be coming up to 4 .
thanks girls i feel like i understand u have done sumthing alot of other people couldnt lol
wow the english system works so different to the scottish one, and its so confusing!
up here you are in the year as everyone that was born in your birthyear up unitl the february of the year after, e.g my year was of children born from january 1985 - february 1986.
I know that little bit of info doesnt help but as said before its so weird that you could be a year behind someone at school because your a day younger in the middle of a birth year. :D
The school year works that everybody from 1st September until 31st August the following year is in the same year.

When I was at high school, there was a boy (Adam), and his birthday was 1st September 1983, and my best friend (Sarah), whose birthday was 31st August 1984 - were both in the same tutor group together.

He was the oldest in the entire year, and she was the youngest.

I remember we went to his 13th birthday party...Sarah had only turned 12 the previous day lol.

So Sarah...B will be one of the oldest in the class.
Lydia will too :)

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