concerned :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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some of u might kno b4 i found out i was pg i used to use drugs :oops: A LOT, nearly every day for years. the pregnancy was a complete surprise and i'm proudly clean-living ever since then.

but i'm worried about those first 6 weeks b4 i knew- my friend was here earlier and she told me another one of her friends (i kno the girl as well but not well enough to call her my own friend) who gave birth in march, is having problems with her baby is very poorly- she cant see and has abscesses (sp?) on her brain :cry:

like me, she was doing stuff still during the very early weeks b4 she found out she was pg, and although no-one can say her babys sick BECAUSE of it, i cant help thinking its a possibility and also that i may end up with problems like that too :(

the last 2 nights i'v had dreams that i'm at a party or just out somewhere and i'll do some coke or smoke a joint even tho i kno i'm pg, and i feel so guilty and horrified afterwards- i'd NEVER do that in real-life :(

sorry theres nothing really any1 can do or say i just needed to get this off my chest, its not the sort of thing i can go and tell my mum or my MW about coz i'm ashamed

Everyone has worries when they are pregnant, some women worry they were drinking, some worry they have taken antibiotics or other legal medication they shouldn't have.

All I can say is that worrying is normal, and although it's far from ideal that you took drugs theres nothing you can do right now except wait and see.

I hope everything is OK, try to focus on how you are clean now and intend to stay clean for your child.


I agree with Urchin hun there is nothing you can do now and im sure everything will turn out okay :hug: your doing great now :hug:
You did the best thing you could for your baby which was to stop as soon as you found out. As the others have said there is no way of knowing, it is just not worth worrying about at this stage - lots of women who have used drugs have perfectly healthy babies and as you gave up so early in pregnancy there is every chance you will to.


Before i found out i was pregnant with my first son i drank VERY heavily, we were getting cheap imported vodka at a fiver for a litre bottle and me n my ex would have a bottle EACH a night, we also had some mad sessions where we took base at weekends, i didnt even realise i was pregnant until i had a dating scan and was told i was 16 wks and all the time beforehand i had been living a party lifestyle.

i worried for all the rest of my pregnancy that i'd of ruined my babies brain and all the things ppl warn you about but luckily for me Alex was born totally healthy, and is now a very clever little 6 yr old who has had less health probs in his life than my other 2 boys.

just thought i'd share this so you can see yes it isnt ideal these things happened but it doesnt always mean that something bad will come out of it, sendin lots of love and support :hug:
Dont worry too much, hun. A lot of people do stupid things before they know they are pregnant, and nothing happens. I was taking valium when i got pregnant with my second, and he's fine. I know you will continue to worry - but we all worry about something. Its very brave to give up everything -even for the best reasons in the world. You should be proud of yourself! :cheer: :cheer:

Take care :hug: :hug:

I totally agree with what the other ladies say, you did the best thing for you baby as soon as you knew you were pg and there is nothing you can do now but wait and see.

Im a housing officer and one particular woman will never leave my thoughts. She was a pregnant heroine addict and alcoholic who was put on a programme to stop taking drugs and drinking. She was given daily doses of methadone to help with withdrawal but sometimes took heroine (and gos knows what else too). She also continued drinking, get this, 350 units of alcohol each week!! :shock: I think that amount would kill you or me.

Amazingly her baby was born perfectly healthy.

(needless to say the baby was taken away from her a few days after the birth and she spiraled back into her destructive habbits. so so sad :( )
:hug: trixipaws :hug:
You worry because you care, and you should be very proud of yourself for what you've achieved so far :cheer: I do hope you start to focus more on all the good things your doing now rather than anything you did in the past :hug:
As for not being able to talk to your GP or MW, could you maybe phone NHS direct and ask them? I'm sure they'd be able to give you info and numbers for who to call to talk to about your concerns and get some professional advice, and there's lots of people here who will listen and not judge you too :hug:

It's normal to worry Trixi, i guess the other women have said the rest.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Trix, he others have said it all really, just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

If I can echo anything from above, it would be that you have done the best thing for your LO by getting clean as soon as you knew you were pg, I live in hope that everything is going to be fine, and all this worrying (very normal) is over nothing.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanx everyone for ur support (and for not judging!) :hug:
Emmylou said:
you have done the best thing for your LO by getting clean as soon as you knew you were pg
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You've done your best and thats all that is expected of any of us. :hug:
hi trixi
i was doing coke everday for a year and for the first 7 and a half weeks of me being pregnant (which was when i fount out) i stopped straight away with help and support from family and friends.
iv spoke to the midwife about this and she said even though the first few weeks are the most important she doesnt think there should be any reason for me to worry if i stopped doing it straight away.which i did.
just think of smack heads who take that sh*t everyday throught the whole of the pregnancy and have perfectly normal babies! (they dnt f*ckin deserve kids tbh!)
anyway, its normal to worry whether or not u did u drugs hun.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww sorry to hear about that hun, hoping babys ok and glad u clean now :)

hope u stay clean too as u dont need that crud :)

waste of money etc but u prob heard it all before so i wont lecture you :)

:pray: babys ok :)

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