concerned about millie :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i'm worried that millie has inherited my natural eyesight (i sometimes forget that i can only see coz iv had laser surgery!)

iv only just started taking her to toddler groups, and also my girl friend held a party for her son's first birthday last week and we went to that and i noticed it there too-

from more than 2 or 3 metres away she will hold her arms out and reach towards other slim, dark long-haired women :( as i myself am slim with long dark hair i assume she does this because she thinks its me :( she doesnt do it with blonde or larger ladies.

do all LO's that age still have trouble with recognition from a little dstance or is she gonna need glasses? :(

anyone else experienced this? did it mean ur child needed glasses?
Maybe speak to your gp health visitor if you are concerned. Was she tired at the time, or lost focus in what she was doing? :hug:
definitely speak to your HV hun you can get her eyes tested at this age.

if its any consolation luke quite often walks up to other mums at toddlers and just sits on their laps!! i'm not concerned at all he just doesn't even look and thiks thats a nice lap to perch on!!

speak to your HV or ring your local opticians and see if they will test her eyes x
She's a lot younger then Millie but Tally was crawling up to other women today and climbing them, however she kept looking back at me, and if i play peek a boo with her from the kitchen (prob just over 2m) she recognises me.

It's probably worth mentioning to get it checked out, my mum is very short sighted so they kept an eye on all of us just in case we were the same as she didnt get glasses until she was older and it affected her school. As it happens i'm long sighted, my brother has perfect vision and my sister is slightly short sighted.
My LO seems to like other blond women (like me) whether they are near or far. Maybe she finds women with familiar features more appealing????

I am also concerned that my LO will inherit my bad eye sight, but if she'll be like me and hates wearing glasses she can always have contacts and then an operation when she is old enough.

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