Complained and got another scan :-)


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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After my scan on Saturday where i saw hardly anything of baby and didn't get to know the sex(sonographer couldn't be bothered), i had another appointment today and i complained and nearly started crying, i was that upset that i had hardly seen my baba, so this lovely pleasant male Doctor said 'come on, lets do a scan' :shock:

Took me for another decent look at baba :dance:

Saw all it's little arms and legs, body popping to no end(said this baba never stops), heart, head, and guess what, legs crossed so still no idea what flavour i'm getting but baba did a yawn and it was just so lovely too see.

Doc said Blimey it's got a big head lol.

I feel so much better now, and this morning i nearly never went because i thought i'd just get the brush off.

so glad to hear that, glad it all turned out o and you got to have another peek :cheer:
So glad you got another go, why do some people behave in such a uncaring way? The sonographer must have realised it was a special day for you. :x Makes me so angry!

Looks like you're destined to have a little suprise though!!
Aww Im so glad you managed to get another scan, I know how upset you were about the last one :hug:
that's great - it's a shame you had to get so upset though but at least you got there in the end :hug:
I had an unpleasant antenatal with a mid wife the other day. She was so stern, she didnt smile and when she listened to the heartbeat it was literally for 2 seconds. I was lucky in the fact that i had been at hospital for previous week and they gave me a good listen to the heart beat, cuz if they hadnt that would have been our first experience of it all.In fact i think she was a witch, even my husband was disgusted

Im glad the doctor was kind to you and gave you a second chance. that was very kind of him. Sometimes these people who cant be bothered shouldnt be in their jobs.
Thats great honey really happy you got another scan as it means so much to us doesnt it!! :D
I am glad you managed to say something and got something done to put it right...sounds like it was a great scan
I'd say your LO wants you to have a suprise
Firstly, you had a scan on a Saturday? Wow! I don't think my local hospital has ever heard of such things! :shock:

Glad you got to see your baby, best feeling in the world isn't it? :D
Aww that was really nice of him to scan you!! Glad you got to see your bubs properly!! :hug: :hug:

So happy for you hun :) Too bad you couldnt find out the sex must be meant to not know then
Meezie said:
Firstly, you had a scan on a Saturday? Wow! I don't think my local hospital has ever heard of such things! :shock:

Glad you got to see your baby, best feeling in the world isn't it? :D

It was an extra day our hospital had put on 'cause they have so many to do and theres a 3 wk que :shock:
Hi Oldermum, glad things went well in the end. Its always worth saying something if your not happy.
NEVER be afraid to complain because you know they'll fall over themselves to sort it out. I threw a paddy at my last appointment and they couldnt get the head midwife out to me fast enough. Normally I'm chilled out and wait my turn but I'd been recalled for bloods as the last lot were labelled wrong I was there through their mistake. This is the 2nd time its happened. Then I waited 2 hours and hadnt been seen and a couple of chavs came in with kids running riot climbing everywhere and shouting and they arrived an hour after me and were seen before me. That was the straw that broke the camels back.

A midwife came out with a sheet of paper for me to give repeat bloods. I stared at her and asked if I was there for anything else like see the consultant. Nope, just repeat bloods. So I've sat there for 2 hours of MY time for an unnecessary appointment to just give repeat bloods. I threw a fit. I get paid by the hour and by then I had already lost £50 in wages through their incompetence and to take 2 hours just to give me a form to take my blood was taking the piss. They fell over themselves to get me sorted out, couldnt be more apologetic. They even ensured my name was changed on all systems which I have requested for weeks and I very much doubt I'll be kept waiting again ;)
good for you minime...sometimes you need to make a fuss to get what you want

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