complain about a cardi?? *have emailed them


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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we got bought a cardigan for leah when she was born but cant remember who bought it us now :think:

but it was from matalan

and today she wore it for the first time

we were around town for half an hour and then we went into a cafe and took her out her pram

then i noticed a little piece of wool hanging out the corner of her mouth, so i pulled it, and a piece of wool about 3 inches long came out of her mouth :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

it had come off the cardi she was wearing and so we took it off her and there were loose bits of wool coming away from the cardi and she had some gripped in her hand too :eek: :eek: :eek:

a bit dangerous isn't it, if a cardi for a baby is losing bits from it and look how easy it got into her mouth???
it knocked me sick when i pulled it all out.. dont want to think what could have happened if i hadnt of seen it :| :| :|

do you think we should complain to matalan head office?
what would i do.. send the cardi and a letter????????
wat would you do?

the cardi's here now and theres loose bits all over

this is it by the way before we went out

Yes I would definately complain! I had the same thing with a coat I got Paris from Woolies and I got a full refund plus some vouchers.
Yeah definately complain! They need to know about it. I always got paranoid about buttons with Isaac, I always thought they might come off and choke him :( even now I pull at them when I wash clothes with them on to make sure they aren't loose.
I'd definately complain - good job you noticed :hug:
yeah but do i write and send the cardi or phone up??
i would phone, if they need it sent in then they should tell u on the phone.

they may tell u to take it back to the shop :think:
Yeah you could take it back to your local store and tell them and show them, but tell them that a simple refund isnt enough, you want them to make sure its took off the shelves and similar items are checked more!
Maybe send a letter to the main office with pics of the item also?
Can't you take it in and physically show them? Go to customer services. I would!
Good luck hun - it's terrible the workmanship these days :roll: :hug:
oooooo a lady from matalan head office phoned me, ive to take the cardi in and send it to be tested :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
hope you get loads of vouchers!

btw...those jeans are sooooo cute..Evie has a pair and I love 'em

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