coming off the pill????


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
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ok so ive been off the pill for about 5 weeks.....i had a period when i first came off it, and now ive been bleeding (brownish, light :oops: ) for about 8 days??im so confused..surely this isnt my period??if anyone else experienced this when they came off the pill please tell me because i have no idea whats going on!!!and its stopping us from ttc!!!
thanks so much xxxx
Hi Laura :wave:

it can take a while for your body to return to normal after coming off the pill. It took 6 wks for mine to return after coming off the pill, then i had a bleed for 7 days. eventually my cycle settled down.

good luck ttc :hug:

I had this too - AF didn't arrive for about 5 weeks and I felt rotten.

When AF did arrive it was in full force :( Back to normal now but still not regualras I only stopped taking the pill in feb.
thanks for the advice glad 2 know im not totally abnormal!!!i spose i just wished to be one of those women who comes off it and gets a BFP straight away :( xxxx
LauraM said:
ok so ive been off the pill for about 5 weeks.....i had a period when i first came off it, and now ive been bleeding (brownish, light :oops: ) for about 8 days??im so confused..surely this isnt my period??if anyone else experienced this when they came off the pill please tell me because i have no idea whats going on!!!and its stopping us from ttc!!!
thanks so much xxxx

this happened to me when i first came off the pill too, but i got a BFP after 4 months and my OH touching a fertility statue :rotfl: so it might not take you too long :hug: xxx
hi when i cam off the pill i af came after 5 weeks and lasted for about 8 days but most of these were brown discharge, i conceived the month after tho so good luck. xxxxxx
kimheath said:
hi when i cam off the pill i af came after 5 weeks and lasted for about 8 days but most of these were brown discharge, i conceived the month after tho so good luck. xxxxxx

aww that gives me a little bit of hope then!!xxx
Im just having my first period after comming off the pill, it was 5 weeks and one day in comming. Pretty normal in colour and amount but only in 2nd day, hope it doesnt last ages - OH looking forward to more BD.
I'm not gonna be much help now... The first time I had it was apparently due to my body adjusting after coming off the pill. The second time (8 months after I came off the pill) was because I was pregnant, so good luck and I hope you get the results you want :D
I came off the pill in July 06 and became pregnant in the following April (no sign of any periods!) My egg must have fertilised at just at the right time :dance: As you can see my LO is now nearlly 5 months and still no period, i guess it takes my body a long time to get back to normal!

All i can say is really do not worry too much, thought there was something wrong with me (was up and down the hospital and had another appointment booked and everything!!!!)

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