Coming off the pill


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Afternoon fellow PF'ers! I have only been on here for a few weeks and I'm addicted already!!
I have a rant to skin and hair has gone SO greasy since coming off the pill :(
I have lots of horrible whitehead spots all the time and my hair keeps going greasy really quickly, before I could probably go 2 days at a push without washing it if i needed to/was being lazy, now there is no chance!! And I am going to V fest next weekend and am going to be very embarrased about the grease-ball status!!

Agghhh anyone else suffering like this?!

hi :wave:

I came off the pill after 10 years and OMG what a shock the system, I was so ill on and off for months, felt like I was tripping out sometimes, my skin was awful and i just felt off the planet really.

It took a good few months to feel like myself again, but when I did OMG I felt good, I hadn't realised how much the pill numbs you to everything. I thought I'd lost my sex drive even til then, then it was back and I just felt so good.

And all the weight I couldn't lose that the pill check up nurse was convinced could in 'no way' be because of the pill just fell off!

Don't worry, you'll get there, just gotta get all the pill crap out of your system and get back on track again. xx
Dry shampoo!! Lol. I have really greasy hair and its a real life saver! Especially for festivals!
LOL thanks spammy - I think I will need a can a day the way im going!
Maria - when did you get your period after the pill? I've noticed my sex drive has gone up loads already! OH is loving it!
I was really lucky and stayed exactly on the same cycle as when I was on the pill. I didn't think I'd gone back to normal but we used protection for a few months then started ttc in end of feb last year and was preggo 1st week of april! Got my bfp on 3 may last year!

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