Come on Fatties!

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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LOL, ok I'm being offensive, but I need someone to kick me off my arse. Anyone want to be diet buddies and motivate each other?

I want to make my old wardrobe my new wardrobe! And I really want my fingers to go back down to pre pregnancy size as i cant get my wedding ring on at the moment, which makes me sad.

We need a thread of really assertive result producing ideas!

I am now going to attempt 10 press ups with the baby lying under me so i cant collapse ;-)
Lol, how did the press ups go? I am not really dietng at the moment because I am bfing. So far all I do is go for walks! Also csn't wait to get my rings back on!
I am trying to do planking, and I'm so weak I could cry! Good idea to put the baby underneath, LOL!
Yes!!! I just joined the gym and tarting properly to loose weight from tommo! Owens 9 months now so gotta get on with it!!

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
I was thinking of going for a jog round the local park at 10pm every night. I found this website that measures the distance of a certain route . It turns out a run down the road round the park and back is only 1 mile even though it feels like 5, and should only take 20 minutes....yeah right.
Id love to join a gym but OH works away all week so I can never go! X
Me either, my oh works very long hours, so i have to find excercise options that include the baby
biggest loser game on the wii, it gives you a personal trainer and my god they work ya hard lol
Lol the thread title made me smile ;) if there's a spinning class anywhere near you girls I highly recommend it! Upto 1000 calorie burn in an hour* and it's fun! Good luck ev one! I suck at diets :( xx
oh great idea , iv been so pissed off over my lack of clothes that fit me but its so hard to get motivated with the lack of sleep n crying baby forcing me to have quick chocolate spread sambos for lunch

Iv been tring to go out walking with her in the buggy on the nice days, gonna start doing the wii fit again too when kayla settles down to nap properly
I've been dancing to mtv with J in my arms, he laughs and loves it because i am spinning him around and bouncing up and down. The music videos are quite inspiring, lots of skinny people shaking their booties that you can dance along with, but its really exhausting to do for more than about 3 songs whilst holding a baby!
Oh that's a great idea star, gonna have to try that tomorrow because Chloe looooves music :)

I got myself a sit ups app for my phone today, to see how many I can do. I put in that my overall target is to do 250 sit ups in one go, it then asked me to do as many as I could until I was exhausted so I did....let's just say I have a loooong way to go lol. Pretty good app though, it breaks the sit ups into manageable amounts with rest periods in between.
Tried doing push ups today to show Charlie how it's done.............THREE!!!
I want to get back into my pre preggo clothes I dont have much to loose about 10lb I lost 3 last week on weight watchers, I also have a cross trainer at home whilch I use in front of the box in the evenings. I have this feelking that my shapes different tho so even if I loose the wight I may still be a size 12
Young Mum is it an iphone app? My phone is android and couldn't find it.
Im going to a mum and baby fitness class tomorrow Ill let you know how it goes! I don't need to lose weight but I've got really unfit!

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I go to step every Monday evening. Try to get into spinning on a Sunday morning too but its really popular and most of the time is fully booked. I'm considering going to a 'fit camp' session - circuits, 3 times a week plus diet plan for 5 weeks. One of ny friends has lost 10lbs in the first 3 weeks! Supposed to have amazing results but it costs £99, just not sure I can afford it.

I don't have a great deal to lose but really need to tone up my stomach and muffin top!

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
I've purchased a kettle bell and a kettle bell work out DVD to see if it will help get my sorry (fat) ass into shape.
gah! still not allowed to excercise! doc says my abdomen still not fused back together

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