combining breast and bottle


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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how did you do it? ryan is still not sleeping AT ALL through the night therefore i'd like to introduce a bottle so i can have a bit of a break. Because i have never bottle fed before i'd like to know

which bottles?
which formula?
how slowly to introduce?
Hey :)

We do a bit of both.. admittedly he very rarely has a bottle, but if someone is babysitting for example, then he does.

We use small avent bottles still because we use them so rarely we haven't bothered buying bigger size ones. We used SMA Gold but he got a bit bunged up in the poo department so have changed to Cow and Gate (the one in the green packet with the number 1 on, I don't know what it's called) - we buy in ready made cartons because we wouldn't get through a tub, and for us the cartons much easier and convenient. I don't know how slowly to introduce because Ryan had a mixture of everything straight from birth.. I'd suggest though for every bottle you introduce, that you express the equivalent feed, so that you keep your milk supply up. Then next time round you can use the expressed milk instead of the formula :)

If you need any info lemme know and we can msn if you like... hope that made sense..

thanks hun, he's had 3oz of formula this afternoon, how much does your ryan have out of a bottle each feed?
he has 200ml... 7oz? but he was on 80-100ml for a long time and then all of a sudden it just shot up when he was about 6 or 7 weeks.

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