

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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hi guys as u have prob seen from my earlier post i want to quit my job id like to go bck to college but dont know if id be able to afford it as i get working tax credits now
does ne one know if i would be entitled to ne extra help - not income support
Not too sure Hon.

I guess the best way to find out is to ring the college and talk to them about it.

I know some courses are cheaper than others and if you want to do GCSE or A Level subjects you will probably get help with finances.
Hi Sarah,
There normally is an advisor on the campus that should be able to give you the info you need. My DH went to Uni when the kids were really small. It was really hard at times, but worth it in the long run!! He graduated at age 33!!
Well done for thinking about yourself - you deserve it!!
Emilia xx :D :D
im so jelous! lol didnt think i would ever be jelous of goin to school/college. when this baby is 1 or 2 then were gonna move back to uk i think so i can go to college :D
sorry sarah i have no idea about finances but well done :D
love braiana xxx
Hi sarah

I studied fulltime while i was pregnant and untill Brooke was 4! I studied at a place called the young mums unit, so i could still be close to Brooke!

I claimed income support the whole time and a lot of my friends did too! Im not sure if you can still do this now but i can't imagine it changing!

If you claimed income support you would also be intitled to help towards childcare too!

Can i just say that, i think its great that you want to go to college! I did it straight from school, and i loved it! I'd do it all agian if i could lol!

Hi sarah, good for you thats great.....what you going to study??
Im not sure now a days but 4 yrs ago when i did my nursing my mate was a single parent, she was a lot better off than me, she even went to OZ for 4 weeks lol!!!
Im sure it is do-able, have a good research in to it, call the college and speak to someone, there are hardship funds and alsort available depending on your course. xxx
Hi Sarah, I'm currently at college doing an access course and I got it free, at my college, if you do more than 1 access corse (I do 4!) you get them free.
It's worth ringing your local LEA (local council) and also ring the college you're thinking of going to. Things change every year, so it's better to phone them to get the latest info.
Sam xx
Thanks guys i will ring my local college up thursday on my next day off :D :D :D
Hi Sarah, you should be entitled to EMA (£30 per week)

As this is classed as an allowance (not a benefit) it shouldn't affect your income support or any tax credits.


Zoe xx

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