Colleague returning from MAT leave.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
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My turn to moan (again) sorry. A girl who is on Maternity leave is bringing her baby in today. I don't know her very well, she was only here 6 months when she fell PG. IIn the time I've been trying for #1 she's fallen PG with #2, had it and now is bringing him in. It's more than I can deal with today.

Am I horribly selfish? It just seems to highlight just how long we've been trying. I hate to say the words but it's not fair.
:hug: :hug: :hug: No your not being selfish at all, i understand what you mean, i know somebody who is having a baby soon and i dont really want to see her or the baby but i know i will have to eventually, lets just hope that your work colleague doesnt stop long, just pretend that you are really busy and havent time to talk to her!!!! :)
Not selfish babe, different people cope better then others with children around when there having a hard time. :hug: :hug:
Thanks, i feel so mean. Usually I love new babies. But today I could do without it. Don't feel so evil now. I'll stand at the back of the crowd and make the appropriate noises!
i knwo how you feel hunny

my friend is due in 2 ish weeks and i am excited for her but dreading being around a baby

:hug: :hug: :hug:
hi huni, i don't think that your being selfish,
my friend is pregnant and i've done everything i possibly can to avoid her!

i also cant even go and get my usual magazine today because it has charlotte church on the front with her new baby :oops:
my friend at work today have just left to go on Maternity leave.... i feel really sad to see her go becuase she is not back at work untill Next August :-( shes got 9months maternity cover!!!! not fair, 1) i wanna be off work and payed for that long, hehe and more so...2) I WANT A BUBBY!!!!!!!
Your not selfish hun. One of our neighbours is due in Nov and she fell PG around the time we strated TTC. She knows we're TTC and keeps asking if I'm PG yet so I've started trying to avoid her too :oops:
I know how you feel hun, my first day back at work today after my miscarriage and my friend at work whose baby is due the same day i would have been has been moaning about how ill she feels and whether they did the right thing getting pregnant because they dont think they can afford it :shock:
Please don't feel bad hun :hug: what you are feeling is perfectly normal :hug: we are TTC #2 at the moment and I get a bit jealous when I hear of others getting their BFPs :oops: I feel bad about that but it's just normal hun :hug: xxxxxxx hope you get your BFP soon chick :hug: xxxx
not at all selfish - 3 of my learners are pregnant and I have to admit to slightly horrible thoughts every time I look at them :oops:
Libs, don't you feel bad either hun - it's perfectly normal hun :hug: xxxxxxxx
Thanks everyone. It turned out he had a funny shaped head and cried all the time!!! So wasn't too jealous! (i hope mine are cute) :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
Thanks everyone. It turned out he had a funny shaped head and cried all the time!!! So wasn't too jealous! (i hope mine are cute) :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Hilarious! Glad it wasn't as hard as you thought. I bet he also does very smelly poos, doesn't sleep and throws up a lot! Yours will be angelic and cute of course like you say, they will be the most beautiful babies ever and never cry and sleep when you want them too- this is all FACT! :lol: :lol:

:hug: :hug:

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