colief-is it any good?? advice re: wind please.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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My Lo has being suffering with really bad trapped wind for the last week. Last night she was up for hours screaming in pain-it must be her belly cos it goes rock hard, she tenses her whole body and makes grunting noises. She is trumping all the time (bless).
I have tried infacol but it hasn't helped so was just wondering if people had experience of colief and could tell me if it might be worth giving it a go.
is there anything else I should be doing to help my dd? I am breastfeeding her so it's not a bottle issue and I don't eat any of the foods they say might cause wind. The only thing i'm still having is milk-should I cut that out too? many questions-I just hate seeing her in so much pain. :cry:
Sorry to hi-jack your thread Sarah, but i've got the same probelm at mo Cooper has bad wind and is really unsettled. I'm breast feeding too and was just wondering what foods they tell you not to eat? xx
The HV made out that drinking orange juice was the worst-so I've given up on that-I've also heard you should aviod veg like broccoli and cabbage, also..tomatoes, onions, citrus fruits and i've also heard milk but I think I'll struggle to give that up! (might have to if things don't improve and see if it's that) :(
Thanks funny you should say orange juice as had a pint yesterday! Hope things get better for you it's awful hearing them in pain :hug: xx
Connie was like this. She's been diagnosed as lactose intolerant, which they can get regardless of whether they're bottle or breastfed. Sorry if TMI but what's her pooh like? If it's really runny and browny yellow and stinky she may have this problem too?

Might be worth talking to your HV or GP - although mine fobbed me off for months :roll:
I just can't believe nothing can be done...i know other babies get it and mine isn't the only one but she looks like she's in so much pain and then the health visitors etc say she'll grow out of it and it's cos she has an immature digestive system. I'm sure their right but you'd think they'd be some medication that actaully works!!! sorry rant over!! :evil:

Sorry if TMI but what's her pooh like? If it's really runny and browny yellow and stinky

It's really runny and bright yellow...I thought this was normal tho with young babies :think: If it carries on much longer i'm going to go and see the doctor just to make sure everything is ok.

Did they run a test on Connie to check??
my son had terrible colic and i tried everything from colief to dentinox to gripe water. if he was having a colicy moment then to be honest i dont think any of it helped when he was bad.

The only way we got through it was to keep him over my shoulder comforting him and rubbing his back until all the wind was up. it was a very long process it usually took over an hour but it was the only thing we could do. Also we had to burp him after every oz which helped a fraction. just keep comforting them through the screams whether that be a dummy, fav blanket etc and rubbing their backs to get the wind up. I think some people think when they've brought one burp out then thats enough but ky would need to bring up atleast 5. the most i ever counted was 17 and it took 3hrs at about 1 in the morning :sleep:

We swapped ky formula to cow and gate comfort which helped him no end to be more settled in between feeds. he stil got colic at least once a day but he seemed happier inbetween and better at night.

Good luck, it will pass :hug:
Thomas was terrible with wind. I used to massage his legs which did help, but none of the medicines did anything at all. Anything you migh use for period pain may work, we also used a little duck you warmed in microwave on his tummy, not sure if it helped but had to try anything!
We were doing mixed feeding from when Jenna was about 4 days old (she had lost too much weight and they told us they would re-admit her if we didn't start formula top-ups to help her gain weight). She used to get terrible pain from wind - infacol and gripe water did nothing. We tried colief and found it really helped. I would give it to her in a bottle of expressed milk or formula at every feed. If you are exclusively breast feeding, you cld try giving it on a spoon mixed with some BM. Our GP was happy to give it to us on prescription as we got through a bottle a week and it's £10 per bottle!. We weaned her off it at 5 months (gradually reduced the drops) and she's fine now.
debecca said:
Connie was like this. She's been diagnosed as lactose intolerant, which they can get regardless of whether they're bottle or breastfed. Sorry if TMI but what's her pooh like? If it's really runny and browny yellow and stinky she may have this problem too?

Might be worth talking to your HV or GP - although mine fobbed me off for months :roll:

Although, it's worth remembering that a breastfed and a bottle fed baby's poo is quite different, especially in smell. :)

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