
sunshinestars said:
omg im useless at making things lmao, oh well never mind eh!!!

Cheats way: Bag of supermarket pre-sliced etc coleslaw mix (basically a bag (in veg isles) of shredded cabbage, carrot, onion etc). Jar of store bought mayo - mix the two together. Simple and safe!!

For a home made potato salad it's pretty similar, bag of little potatoes, chop into mouthfull sized bits, boil, drain wait to cool. Add finely chopped onions, store-bought mayo and bingo. That really is lovely!
Wahoo nicola, thanks for that, will let you know if it tastes ok.. lol
I love homemade coleslaw and pototo salad although only ever eat it in the summer! but with the coleslaw I add a bit a lemon juice and black pepper and on the potato salad a add chopped chives :D hmmmm lovely I want the sun to come out so I can eat salad :lol: Don't like it in the winter.
thats different, might have to add some of that too..

Im the same i hate winter and i love my salads, so hurry up sunshine!!!
Nicola said:
Took me 2 years to concieve this baby...there's little I haven't researched, I have a list on my fridge longer than my arm!! Funnily enough your not supposed to eat ready meals either - guess they contain the same type of 'dangerous' things that coleslaw and so forth contain?

Ready meals are OK to eat as long as they have been heated correctly and is piping hot - this would destroy the bacteria.
I love coleslaw, I eat it all the time. I'm not planning on stopping now! :D
Thanks everyone for your replies, going to make my own coleslaw today.
It is really warm and sunny here today, spring is finally here :dance: :dance:
sunshinestars said:
let me know how you get on with making your own colslaw babyroo... :wave:

Hi Sunshinestar
Forgot to post this yesterday, sorry :oops: . I made the coleslaw the cheats way like nicola suggested, I just added a tiny bit of lemon juice and a splash of vinegar and it was yummy.
my midwife told me it was ok to eat it as long as it says on packet made with pasteurised egg. also reading the new prima baby mag says you can eat peanuts now, things really confuse me, some say we can some say we cant. i have to get a list out before i can decide what i want for my tea lol which is very awkward when pg cus you either fancy sumthin or not!!! xxxxxx
aww babyroo, glad you made it ok, im going to attempt mine on saturday when im not at work!
kimheath said:
my midwife told me it was ok to eat it as long as it says on packet made with pasteurised egg. also reading the new prima baby mag says you can eat peanuts now, things really confuse me, some say we can some say we cant. i have to get a list out before i can decide what i want for my tea lol which is very awkward when pg cus you either fancy sumthin or not!!! xxxxxx

Apparently if you've had no history of peanut allergies, then some people say that it's safe to eat them. But I've avoided them just in case.
Not meant to eat ready meals :shock: i do sometimes only like once a week if that tho. Sometimes never :)

i would eat something like beef curry ready meal seems to be fine when i have had it and babys fine :)

processed cheese not allowed to have neither and i had that in macs otehr day but was only the one. so 1 should be ok :)

coleslaw i dont eat as i dont like it, suppose u just gotta tread easy as u dunno whats init thats probably why they say not good while pregnant. Say that for any food and drinks really.
It is difficult, as there is so much conflicting information about what's OK to eat during pregnancy. My midwife told me not to eat seafood, but I read a few publications, including the NCT magazine, that says as long as seafood is cooked, then it's safe to eat. I've been eating this in moderation.

I was getting confused about what cheeses were safe to eat, and I came across this website; it lists what's safe and what to avoid: ... eseexpert/
Kimheath is right, you can eat coleslaw and potato salad as long as the raw egg yolks used in them are pasteurised. It's exactly the same for anything containing mayonnaise.

I've got quite good at looking at food labels and they do often say "egg yolks (pasteurised)". If it just says "egg yolks" then there's no way to tell, so avoid.


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