

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Was just wondering If i am allowed to eat shop bought coleslaw? I have had a bit of a craving for it but have'nt had any just in case I'm not allowed it. MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thinking about it now :wall: :wall:
I can't see why not so long as the mayonnaise is not home made. I suppose you could Google it if you want to be sure.

i always eat colslaw, nothing wrong with my babys apart from being a bit hypo lol...
Tha mayo in it wont affect you huni
so go ahead and enjoy!!!
According to the department of health coleslaw and store-bought potato salad are a NO while pregnant...not sure why, I love the stuff and do miss it on my jacket potatoes etc. If anyone finds real evidence that contradicts that I'd love to see/read it so I can convince myself it's ok but since reading it on the government site I have stayed away from the stuff.
:shock: i didnt know that nicola, i wont be staying away from it though, i only have it 1 a week or so as it is... I crave it with jackets, wouldnt be without it..
Oh i didnt no that either. I have been having it occasionally and it hasnt done any harm. I thought it was just homemade stuff you couldnt have.
Took me 2 years to concieve this baby...there's little I haven't researched, I have a list on my fridge longer than my arm!! Funnily enough your not supposed to eat ready meals either - guess they contain the same type of 'dangerous' things that coleslaw and so forth contain?
Tell me about it :roll:

Here's the website link I read about it: ... icleId=917

Evidently it's because of listeria again..... :roll:

If you read a few websites about foods to avoid during pregnancy although they are 90% similar there are one or two additions/subtractions on each list. Hense my huge "no" list on the fridge.
I don't know myself but yukkkkkkk @ coleslaw.
Xena said:
I don't know myself but yukkkkkkk @ coleslaw.

befor i knew i was pregnant i craved stella artois, obviously not good for baby! i dont even drink normally!

then i craved peanuts and seriously could not resist tracker bars and peanut butter and jam on toast.

now i want coleslaw!!!!

isnt it funny, as soon as someone says you cant have it, you want it!
If you're worried you can make your own coleslaw as long as its with shop brought mayo

Ya i dont think you can unless you make it yourself ect, i dont like the stuff but love potatoe salad and i know your not suppost to eat that either
Oh yeah should have added that....make it yourself at home (everso easy for coleslaw or potato salad. Just use store bought mayo as it's been pasturised and doesn't contain raw eggs as home mady mayo does. So yummy when homemade!!

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