

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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My baby has had a coldy type thing for 3 weeks now, i ahve been to the doctrs by he has given my antibiotics, and nether me or other half are happy to give them to him, he is only 7 weeks old!

He doesnt actually seem ill and his temp and everything i fine, but he is so congested all the time and it varies form being in his nose or back of his throat. It is really getting a problem now as he swallows lots of air when feeding (breast) and starts to scream in pain and frustration, then the milk seems to coat his throat and he cant swallow. I am lucky as he has gained weight really well, and i am managing to feed him but it takes agesa nd is exhasting, also he doest settle to sleep very well and has been sleeping in his chair instead of cot, we have tried elavating his cot but it still isnt upright enough and now i am worried about his back etc..

I have bought one of those nasal suck clearing things but havnt used it yet. What can i do to clear this up for good?

Also he does sneeze alot and recently some thick snotty/bogy type stuff came out but not all the time

Should i just give him the antibiotics? I just want to be able to feed my baby calmly and nicely agin, he used to be so relaxed and feed so well before it makes me sad :cry:
Hi :wave:

Don't be sad :hug:

My baby is almost 6 weeks and I must admit I would also be apprehensive about giving him antibiotics.

Try speaking to a health visitor or doctor again to see if there are any alternatives you can use. Definately use the snot sucker thing though, will probably ease it a bit for him :hug:

Can babies get hay fever at such an early age because they sound like my hay fever symptoms which I have really bad at the moment, snotty nose and throat, itchy throat and ears? :think:

Nikki x
no dont give anti biotics when willow was like this the doctor gave me some karpol and good job i read the box cause you have to be 3-6 months to use it willow was only 1 month. have you tryed saline nasel drops they are fine to use.

you said he is sneezing and snot and mucus are comming out well that sounds good as he is clearing it, not long after this starting happening with willow it went.

hope the little mite gets better soon a :hug: until then

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