coke cola ??


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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One of my friends yesterday told me that you shouldn't drink cokecola while pregnant... she didn't know why but said that was what she had been told.

Had anyone else heard this and if so, does anyone know the reason why ??

I am on a voluntary caffeinne study, and one of the things you have to do in the 1st tri is drink a whole bottle of coke so they can test your caffeinne levels before and after. So it can't be that bad for you or LO.

Saying that though, I think you should cut down on caffeinne whilst being pg, so don't drink too much!
my auntie said that in the olden days they used to give coke to pregnant mothers to induce them...
dont believe it,

the only thing drinking lots of coke has given me us a loose bowels ;) sorry tmi hahahah
I'm just avoiding it naturally and been drinking pure orange when I go out instead mainly down to nutrition reasons. One thing I remember with DD is I drank lucozade and it sent my sugar levels sky high and my midwife had a blue fit :oops:
yer its just the caffeine in coke thats not advised.... i have cut all caffeine out of my diet, de caf tea and de caf coke!! but its a pregnancy choice xxx[/i]
I think it's just the caffeine too - i drink caffeine free coke.

It can't be too bad for you cos my midwife suggested i drink a cup of flat coke to combat morning sickness.

yeah my midwife suggested caffine free coke in moderation as aspartame (sp) is still a bad ingreedient
its the caffeine thats not good...

in my home country..people use coke/pepsi with a rusty nail to have a diy abortion and it works!!!
if you put a bottle of coke on steak and leave it over night the bone will dissapear :shock:
thanks ladies.... I have already stopped tea and coffee because of the caffeine but have been drinking about 2 x cans a day of caffine free diet coke.....

I also drink pletty of water... the orange juice is also a good idea - hadn't really thought of that one....


My mother in law, said that when she was preg, they told you not to drink diet coke, as it contained some ingredient that was bad while preg

nim x
nimrodelle said:

My mother in law, said that when she was preg, they told you not to drink diet coke, as it contained some ingredient that was bad while preg

nim x
yeah thats the aspatame i think
When I was PG with my first, I had no idea how bad diet coke was, and that was the only drink I did drink, but I have cut it right down now, I can go days without it, but then I may have a glass or 2!
Tam said:
When I was PG with my first, I had no idea how bad diet coke was, and that was the only drink I did drink, but I have cut it right down now, I can go days without it, but then I may have a glass or 2!

....and did it cause you any problems drinking diet coke with your first Tam? :pray:
none what so ever babe, she is a very healthy and intelligent 7 year old! :wink:
Tam said:
none what so ever babe, she is a very healthy and intelligent 7 year old! :wink:

So there you have it ladies - The proof is in the pudding or so they say. :wink:

Glad to hear your first is so healthy Tam. :hug:

I cut it out completely for the first few months, but now have started to drink a can of diet caffeine free a day. :|

Other than that i only really drink water and that gets soooo boring. :bored:
i do drink alot of flavoured water yummy! my midwife did say if you drink tea,coffee or coke have a glass of water after

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