

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i couldnt go out clubbing when i was pregnant with millie because it was before the smoking ban.

my little sister is coming up for her birthday next week (she lives down south now so i dont see her) and we wanna go out raving!

obv i wont drink! jus feel a bit wierd tho idk why just clubbing seems a kinda shocking thing for a pregnant woman to be doing, altho i prob just think that because i equate clubs with being smokey, my heydey of clubbing was NOT the place for a pregnant woman! but its ok now, isnt it? what do u guys think? iv been invited to a couple of facebook events too that i quite fancy
Hey hun, I wouldnt let being pg stop me in the early days. I would think twice about going later on in pregnancy as I would worry about getting nudged or pushed in the tummy. I know plenty of women who went out clubbing right upto 9 months!

Have a great time! :hug:
I cant see any reason why you shouldnt go and have fun just because you are pregnant doesnt mean you have to become a recluse, cancel all plans and stay inside. I mean going out clubbing is only like someone other person going for a night out so why not, its not like you are stupid enough to get off your face so yea go for it, have a boogie and a good chat watching everyone getting trollied it will be fun!

My friend went clubbing thoughout her pregnancy and she was fine and baby was fine, she even came to a Leftfield gig with us when she was 7 months pregnant.
Go for it!! I'd definitely go and enjoy myself.

Hope you have a great time!!!
go for it, i pubbed and clubbed til my due date LOL :lol: :lol:
I voted go for it too, you know yourself what your limits are and when you have had enough, have a good night!! :hug: :hug:
I went out for a bit the other week - just felt a bit too tired at the time. If you're feeling up to it get yourself glammed up and go for it girl! x

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