cloverfield *update - finished watching it*


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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is it actually any good???

got it on right now, cruddy so far.

does it get better?
I rented it from Blockbuster last night. Took it over to my parents today to watch and we thought it was alright, not as good as people were making it out to be when it was out in the cinemas but there were a few laughs. Rubbish ending! :?
I just asked him as I thought that (short and sweet) :roll:

He said that he thinks the camera work is rubbish (apparently it made people physically sick in the cinemas!!! :shock: ) as it looks like it has been filmed on mobile phones!

I've never seen it so I can't comment, but Nick works with DVDs so hears lots of reviews.

You might like it though :D
I've heard there are hidden things in it, like stuff in the background, that gives you hints as to whats going on. that sounds interesting but I dunno if I could stand the camera work.

is it scary?
shockingly bad. wtf?????? worst thing i've seen in a long time!!!!
I saw it at the cinema and really enjoyed it. Rented it when it came out as I enjoyed that much but it was rubbish in DVD. I think it needs to be seen on a big screen at full volume to get the "sense of being there".
the problem with it is none of the characters are particularly likeable, i didn't give a toss who lived or died. the camera ork wasn't too bad, and did add to the effect. i enjoyed it but wouldn't watch again.

i can recommend the mist if you like monsters, the ending is brutal though - and as per usual with stephan king the book is always better
beanie said:
the problem with it is none of the characters are particularly likeable, i didn't give a toss who lived or died. the camera ork wasn't too bad, and did add to the effect. i enjoyed it but wouldn't watch again.

I completely agree.

Although I complained about it being naff at the time, it really played on my mind. It was so different and the themes were interesting even if you were rooting for the Godzilla thing to eat the vile New Yorkers. I found I thought about it a lot.
kazlin said:
He said that he thinks the camera work is rubbish (apparently it made people physically sick in the cinemas!!! :shock: ) as it looks like it has been filmed on mobile phones!


I was nearly ill when i saw it at the cinema :puke: It gave me a bit of a headache too with all the wobbly camera work. I was quite heavily preggers when i saw it so that didnt help with the nausea!!

Thought it was an ok film though!
that film is on my worst films list. i was waiting for it to get good but it just wasnt
I didn't like this one either, was expecting it to be good but was really disappointed
I saw this last night and loved it! I thought the fact you were seeing it through the camera mans eyes made it :eek:
I am in the minority as I quite liked it... I thought the beginning was real slow but it wasn't a bad film.

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