Cloth nappy for nighttime


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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I'm looking for suggestions for a cloth nappy for night time. Currently we used Nature babycare dispoables or Bambo disposables but idealy I'd like to use cloth all the time.

Currently we are using Little Lamb microfibre nappies but they aren't the best for night time especially considering Finlay seems to pee a lot at night.

Looking for something super absorbant and suitable wraps too.

We are switching to the next size soon and replacing the nappies with the same ones but looking for a few ones I can get for night time.

Any suggestions?

I don't have a heavy wetter, but we use tots bots cotton tots and (highly recommended) Motherease airflow wraps for nighttime.

Have you tried using extra folded boosters?

Valentine Xxx
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have a look at them.

No haven't tried that Valentine :lol: I completely forgot about the other boosters that I have :lol:
i double booster, both folded in the winkie region and then a motherease airflow wrap. They're soaked in the morning but no leaks. Makes his bum huge though. I struggle to stretch his vests over it!
I use clwt twt bambw with woolen wraps/motherease airflow wraps or Bumgenius pockets with an extra easy peasy hemp booster added for nights.
God thats a foreign language to me :lol:

I'll do some googling ;)
Wool wraps help moisture evaporate so are great for heavier wetters. They don't always work well with microfibre and can be a little more work to look after but are well worth it. :)
Thanks Minxy. If I was getting wool wraps would you say I'd be better getting a different type of nappy then?

I'm sticking to the microfibre for day time as they dry quickly but am happy to buy different ones for night time so OH can distunguish between the two ;)

Natural fibres work best with wool, so any cotton/bamboo/hemp ones. In fact, anything other than the microfibre or fleece.

If you pm me I bet I could find a wooly wrap of Stanleys to lend you to try :)
you can buy boosters and fold them over at the willy area if he is a heavy wetter.. if you are going to use wool i also would suggest a natural nappy..wool is fantastic.. i would go for longies or shorties if you are going to go for a soaker dont put a vest over the top of it coz it can pull the wee through the nappy if its tight. as for wraps.. go for a larger wrap.. a size 2 or 3.. large/xl so you can boost lots..
Thanks Lisa :D

Going to try a wool wrap from Minxy and order some clwt twts too
Jacob is a heavy wetter and sleeps about seven or eight hours at night. We use bamboozles with the normal wraps we were given. That wasn't good enough before, but I just ordered bamboo boosters and fleece liners from babykind and they work really well. The liners are actually fantastic. Even if the nappy is saturated Jacob's skin feels smooth and dry to touch.

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