Cloth Nappies and nappy rash- cures


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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My LO has had almost constant nappy rash for about 6 weeks. I have used loads of differnt creams and yet it is still a problem. I use washable nappies and am currently using fleece liners as I've heard that they are meant to reduce incidents of nappy rash- problem is, I'm beginning to suspect that they are causing or contributing to it.

I am going to try using paper liners again for a few days to see if there is a difference- I just wanted to see if anyone using cloth nappies had any words of wisdom or expreience they could chuck my way?

I also need a super brill suggestion for an almost bullet proof night time washable nappy- BumGenius even with a wrap= wet baby in the morning :(

Thanks, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
you could buy silk liners.. they are quite expensive but do work.. and cornflour..( the flour you use for gravy) is brilliant.. dabbed on like talkc of used as a paste made with water.. for bad rash is excellent..fleece liners are better than paper.. also.. what powder do you use? fairy non bio can clog the nappies and hold bacteria..

remember always wash with half the amount of washing powder.. using to much will clog nappies and cause bacteria to breed ..change atleast ever 4 hrs..

if you want to strip your nappies.. put them in the machine (no wraps) ( even if dirty) with 4 table spoons of white vinigar and 4 table spoons of bicarb of soda..and wash on a 40-60 degree wash..dry as normal.. do this every few months.. i have been using ecover.. but not found it very good and tbh.. made the nappys and my clothes smell a little musty so went bk to tesco non-bio concentrate.. i love that stuff..
hope this helps xx
try some of the oil if it is just oil in some cream for ehr face.. e45 cream etc would b ok.. xx
I swear by Weleda Calendula Nappy Cream - we use such a tiny bit very rarely and it clears DD up no time at all.

l&a's suggestions re. stripping nappies in the wash etc are also excellent.

Re. nighttime nappies, I use shaped nappies (tots bots) and find the only wrap that will keep DD dry overnight (although I don't use them for daytime as I like the look of tots bots wraps better), is a Motherease Airflow (poppers).

Valentine Xxx
lisa&alex said:
try some of the oil if it is just oil in some cream for ehr face.. e45 cream etc would b ok.. xx
Thank you :)
valentine said:
I swear by Weleda Calendula Nappy Cream - we use such a tiny bit very rarely and it clears DD up no time at all.

l&a's suggestions re. stripping nappies in the wash etc are also excellent.

Re. nighttime nappies, I use shaped nappies (tots bots) and find the only wrap that will keep DD dry overnight (although I don't use them for daytime as I like the look of tots bots wraps better), is a Motherease Airflow (poppers).

Valentine Xxx

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions- I'm going to try stripping the nappies in the wash- I am careful about how I wash them and generally use only half a Persil non bio tab in each wash of about 8-10 nappies and a small amount of sanitiser. After almost 9 months though, they could be hodling on to more detergent than I think.

For the nappy rash I 'm currently using a cream (made by my mum) which is some lavender and cammomile blue essential oils with zinc and caster oil cream as the base. It worked brilliantly initially but has lost it's magic recently- probably due to using it every nappy change for about 3 weeks! I think it is also contributing (if not causing) the leaking night time nappies as it is very thick and although I use it sparingly, I'm sure it must prevent absorption into the nappy. It seems that the one cream that has worked is giving me another problem!

Valentine- thanks for the night time nappy solution- unfortunately the very wrap you mentioned was the one I used that leaked! I'm guessing it wouldn't be a problem if it had the correct sort of nappy under it though?
lisa&alex said:
you could buy silk liners.. they are quite expensive but do work.. and cornflour..( the flour you use for gravy) is brilliant.. dabbed on like talkc of used as a paste made with water.. for bad rash is excellent..fleece liners are better than paper.. also.. what powder do you use? fairy non bio can clog the nappies and hold bacteria..

I use persil non bio tabs (half a tab in each nappy wash)- seems ok
Do you use a sanitiser- if so, which one?
Does it matter what sort of fleece the liners are made from? I made my own, believing all fleece to be basically the same- was this a massive mistake?
Love the cornflour suggestion- I'll try this!
flowergirl said:
Valentine- thanks for the night time nappy solution- unfortunately the very wrap you mentioned was the one I used that leaked! I'm guessing it wouldn't be a problem if it had the correct sort of nappy under it though?

Probably true, but have you checked the size of your Motherease Airflow wrap? I recently found DD wet in the mornings after finding these wraps amazing for months, then realised I was using a Medium wrap for up to 20lbs - DD is probably around 25lbs now!

It's a medium wrap and last time she was weighed she was only 15lb 7oz- I remember the wrap was meant to fit up to 20lbs so even if she's gained weight in the past 4 weeks, she is unlikely to be 20lb!
the cream your mum has made will be fantastic!

i dont use sanitiser for the very reason that it is harsh chemicals..which can deteriorate the life of the nappies.. and cause rash in sensitive skin.. you dont need it really.. just add a few drops of lavender oil to the wash.. the amount of persil sounds right.. the type of fleece doesnt matter just make sure its fluffy side up...if you have been using the same ones for 9 months maybe make some new ones up..deffo strip the nappies and see how you get on xxx

edit to add.. what nappies are you using? are you boosting? ted has to have 10+ folds for night time.. i use a shapped nappy and a flat terry square folded in half then folded over again so thats 4 layers.. then the top folded half way.. so that 8 layers by his willy and then the double thickness of the shapped nappy..he goes to bed like a sumo.. but it works
Lisa&Alex- thanks for the advice- I will ditch the sanitiser- it's almost gone anyway so no loss! I use BumGenius nappies mainly- they're ok but have let me down during the runny poo stages a few times- my LO has skinny legs so the leg cuffs were never tight enough to prevent leaks unless the rest of the nappy was poppered so that it was too small for her tummy and bottom :roll: thankfully introducing solids has put a bit more meat on her bones and the nappies are effective at all times now (except night!). I have also used a little lamb nappy which I loved but Kathryn has out grown it and I've also got a Motherese terry nappy which I really like.

The cream I think was causing the problem as LO had soaked through her PJs and sleeping bag and cot sheet after only 3 hours last night and yet the nappy wasn't at full capacity. I put the Motherese nappy on her, with the airflow wrap and a booster after that with no cream and she was dry from 9pm-7am.

I think I'll ask my mum to make up the nappy rash treatment as a bath oil instead and add lavender to my nappy wash and hope this works!
DD moved on to the next size of Motherease by 17 or 18lb as the bulk of her nappies (fluffles) takes up so much extra space. If you are boosting for night time she may need the bigger size for the bulk.
if you are only putting a litle bit of the cream on then im sure its fine hun...try boosting your nappies and goign up a wrap size.. i have the same problems with skinny legs :p wish my own were skinny lol
kalia said:
DD moved on to the next size of Motherease by 17 or 18lb as the bulk of her nappies (fluffles) takes up so much extra space. If you are boosting for night time she may need the bigger size for the bulk.


lisa&alex said:
if you are only putting a litle bit of the cream on then im sure its fine hun...try boosting your nappies and goign up a wrap size.. i have the same problems with skinny legs :p wish my own were skinny lol

I'm ordering some new wraps at the end of the month so will buy bigger sizes. I currently use a microfibre insert with a newborn insert to boost it for night- may try adding another but have been warned off over stuffing a pocket nappy- any advice?

On a happy note- the nappy rash seems to have calmed down a fair bit today- have ordered the same mix of essential oils as a bath oil so will start using that soon. I've also bought some eco washing balls from Lakeland which claim to leave no residue so fingers crossed I'm now sorted! (well, once I've stripped the nappies-must buy vinegar!)

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