

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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I'm wanting to know if I shud ask gp for clomid? A few details about me.

Came off the pill Oct 10, had no periods but fell pg in Dec 10. Mc Feb 11 & no period until Sept 11. Had a 63 day cycle, then a 40 day cycle & taking AC. This month I am on cd30 & had 7 days of + opk's & still not ovulated (I know because I chart my temps).

I'm going to make an appointment with gp this wk to discuss my body struggling to ovulate. I have had bloods & a scan done to check for PCOS & all was fine, I don't have it.

So my question is for anyone who knows about clomid. Will I benefit from it if I ask for it? Shud I ask for it? Are there any bad side affects I shud know about before asking to take this pill? If you've taken it wud you reccommend it?

Thanks ladies xx
Hey Amber, clomid is most often the right step for people who are either not ovulating or very irregular yes. However, it isnt a gp who prescribes it normally. It is usually a fertility dr that you have been referred to if you mean in the NHS. Are you referred to a fertility dr?

In terms of side effects I had very little. I got swaets but as I took the tablets at night I got the sweats at night which I found bearable.
Hi Laura,

I've not been referred to a fertility dr yet, I'm assuming my gp would do this?

I do eventually ovulate it just seems to take some time, which is why I thought clomid might help. In an ideal world I would rather not take any drugs & just let my body do it but it's getting frustrating each month.

Thanks for giving me some feed back.

Hi Chico!

My cycles were crazy and I have mild endometriosis, bloods fine no pcos, but still irregular. Was going to have an internal scan if it was pcos then they were going to put me on metformin or if not refer to the fertility clinic.

Docs won't refer unless you ask or keep going back. Call them!

I said that my irregular ovulation and the mc was too much heart ache and stressful because I never knew when I would ovulate next. No harm in calling them. I found just By being referred it was a weight lifted xxx
I work at the NHS and if you go to your GP, tell them what you have been doing - after they suggest something and if it doesnt work you can then ask to be referred specificly as there is only so much a GP can do/suggest..

Good luck ! xxxxxx
Sunbeam I remember your problems now, you got your bfp just before your nxt appointment didn't you? So did you fall pg by taking anything or not? Did you use opk's or chart your temps?

Russellmuscle I've booked an appointment with gp, I've been seeing her for a while now so she knows my problems so that might go in my favour if I ask her to refer me.

Thanku xx
Good luck hun, you have had a scan and bloods so they should be in a position to refer you to a fertility specialist.

I have taken AC since may & the cycle I got a bfp in jan I took:
EPO till day 12
AC till day 12
vitB complex every other day
Royal jelly
Concieve plus
Pregnecare Folic acid & multivitamins

I cut out the caffeine in dec & jan and went to the gym more too.
I took EPO and AC up till Ov because I was trying to kick it into ovulation rather than to the day I ovulate because it's varies.

I can't chart due to working hours, I sometimes get up really early it throws my temping out of sync. I used one step 20mui tests and they were good & doc said dtd every other day but jan we barely had the chance to dtd so we caught the day before I ovulated which was once that week!

AC is good but like me if your cycles are irregular I think you need something like clomid which is stronger. If you do end up on clomid dont take AC as it counteracts.

When is your appointment? Xxx
I take:

AC to ovuation
Vitamin C, B
Folic acid

If I don't catch on this month I'm going to take EPO as well as I don't really get noticeable CM.

Appointment is on Monday, I'm hoping she will refer me.


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