Clicky Hip?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Hiya, Sorry I've been lurking for a long time now! I thought I'd pop on and ask a wee question as I would like to stay clear of google on this one!!
At the six week check (actually when Ross was 7 weeks old) the GP said Ross had a clicky hip on his left although thought it was mild. He got another GP to come and have a feel as she hadn't felt one in a while and she agreed it felt loose but not clicky (as far as I could hear from their mutterings). I also thought I heard them say the paediatrician had flagged it for follow up although they hadn't told me!
So we have an appointment at the sick kids hospital on Thursday for a follow up with a Physio I think (the letter is unclear). Anyone have any ideas what to expect? And if it's mild would that still need some treatment or can babies grow out of it?
My wee guy doesn't show any outward signs that I can see, no extra creases or difference in leg length. I'm hoping we get the all clear and that the GP has made a mistake, am I wishful thinking?
Hi hon! I haven't had any experience regarding this but didn't want to read and run! Hope it's all clear when you go to hospital! Me, my girls and I has some experience of physio.

Hugs x
Found it!! First thing I'd say is, go back to your gp and push to see the paediatrician and get either a scan or an xray, depends on how old he is when they do it! You can never be too careful! I'm not wanin to panic you there mind!! They might see what the physio says too tho, Ks physio is the same person that does all the screening at the hosp too! With the physio she's having, it's trying to get her standing and walking so it's a bit different! I spose yhe best thing I can sayfor now, without you having been for your physio is just, don't panic and if he does have something up, it's not the end of the world and fixing it isn't as bad as you expect!! PM me anytime if you need to :hug:
Thank you! I'm presuming it's a physio we're seeing, it's very unclear on the letter. I was having another wee look at Ross's leg creases at his last nappy change and I think he may have extra creases on the left, it's so hard to tell. I'll let you know how we get on!!
I'll be thinking of you on thurs Hun! If you have a look on the steps website, there's tonnes of info on hip dysplasia! It really is hard to tell with their creases isn't it! Ks was on yhe back and it's not standard prwctise to check the back for some reason! Also, it's a lot more common in girls than boys, so hopefully that might be a bit of comfort to you :hug:
Ross has got the all clear!!! He had an ultrasound and physio screening and they both confirmed that his hips are fine. They physio said he has a slight tightening in his neck on his left side so it's probably the way he was lying in the womb, and getting him lying on his right when he's playing will help to stretch out the muscle. Happy days! :)
Aw yay! x glad all is ok x
Thank you!! I have to say there were some wee stunners with all sorts of splints on and didn't seem to bother a jot. Makes us adults look daft when we complain over the smallest things :)
glad everything has turned out alright for you. Im making a mental note to look for creases when I change his nappy now, Im such a paranoid mother!

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