Clear blue monitor old vs new


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2012
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Morning ladies,

I'm looking for some advice on the clear blue monitor. I've looked on ebay and there is some new and old ones up for auction.

Obviously the older ones are cheaper just wanted to knows people's opinion on either one.

I've read up about them and as I have PCOS I have longer cycles then normal it says if I get to day 20 and it doesn't detect a LH surge to reset the monitor back to CD 5 and start retesting. After the first cycle of using it does the old monitor remember you have a longer cycle or do you have to restart a cycle in the monitor everytime. Just trying to figure out how much its gonna cost in sticks each month.

I like the fact I only have to test once a day, as we a 5 year old and trying to remember to not drink and hold my wee for so many hours for an afternoon/early evening test is not always possible.

I would appreciate any help, advice and guidance.

Feel all new to this TTC stuff again.

Hi hun, I have one that I bought on eBay, I haven’t used it because when I read the instructions it said they don’t work for people with pcos. I was so annoyed.

I just use clear blue opks instead.
Hi hun, I have one that I bought on eBay, I haven’t used it because when I read the instructions it said they don’t work for people with pcos. I was so annoyed.

I just use clear blue opks instead.

OK thanks
Hi hun, I have one that I bought on eBay, I haven’t used it because when I read the instructions it said they don’t work for people with pcos. I was so annoyed.

I just use clear blue opks instead.

I've just read up about it and I never realised with have higher levels of LH. I used opk when ttc with my DD and got a positive and negative results. It's hard enough as it is let alone all these other issues. It's so frustrating xx
I've just read up about it and I never realised with have higher levels of LH. I used opk when ttc with my DD and got a positive and negative results. It's hard enough as it is let alone all these other issues. It's so frustrating xx

I know it’s so frustrating, I’m using cheapies this cycle because the clear blue are so expensive and I have varying lines everyday! Some quite dark but no peak yet x

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