Claims to fame?

not me as much as my DF.

he has worked with the dad from my family. with irene from eastenders and has been drinking with joe pasqualy (sp) quite a few times. there are others but thats the ones i can remember lol.

we have both met derek acorah at one of his shows.

we have both met sharon osbourne, louis walsh and simon cowel.

but there not really claims to fame are they
My aunt (in-law) lived next door to bob geldofs grandma so they used to play together as kids.

I went to college with Joseph who won strictly come dancing (or some such show) a few years ago

I asked peter simon (from 'Going Live') for a glo-stick back stage at the turning on of the nottingham xmas lights about 15 years ago (he said no, they were for his kids) (very lame claim, i know)

My bessie mate stood next to the drummer from red hot chilli peppers back stage at a show (and didnt realise who he was)

Saw manchester united in manchester airport (my mum thought it was a bunch of school kids :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Get this, ok its not me, but my mum, well she used to babysit ken barlows daughter ... her name is verity! yep thats right! and guess what ken barlow it isnt even his real name
oooo... i got dot cottons (wel the actress who plays her) autograph!! she said i had a very pretty coat :D :oops: .... ok, i was 10 at the time! woman smokes more in real life than on eastenders.

oh, and do you remember the gay couple that where on eastenders a few years back? i got their autographs.

and does anyone remeber 1 hit wonder tina cousions? i sat with her brother in science classes. + got her autograph.... although is that a claim to fame :think: :lol:
iv met most of the ipswich town fc squad :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:

kieron dyer (newcastle FC and england)
matt holland (charlton FC and england)
darren Bend (charlton FC and england)
and a few others

also wen my sis was born being 12 weeks prem she was in SCBU and frank butcher from eastenders had twin grandaughters there to so i met him, he was a rite twat tho, he thought wen he visited his grand daughters every other babies family had to leave :twisted:
oooo I forgot...

When I was a nursery nurse, I looked after one of Mark Lester's (Oliver in the eponymous film) little girls...he lives in Cheltenham, where I am from originally.
I fell over Robin cousins when ice skating at an exhibition thing when i was young and he picked me up off the ice :rotfl:
I tell my Dh this tale every week when dancing on ice is on
got blly boyds (pippin from lord of the rings) autograph and david seaman used to live in the same village as me, 10 mins down the road
Loads of "famous" people live local. I dont know half of them as there's several footballers (not into footie)
Matthew "Sooty" Corbett lives 300 yards away and is a common sight round the village. Nice chap and has an absolutely beautiful house.

Chris Bisson who was dev's brother in corrie is always in the church green pub and he's really nice and Suranne Jones lives local but I not seen her.
i called les dennis a c*** once.....probably one of the most satisfying moments of my life.

Also Bruce Forsyth almost ran me over in wimbledon car park!
I remembered another one when i was 21 and at the redding festival. I built a fire and MTV used the people i was with and my fire to do a vt
Oh wow these are all really good!

Ive remembered some more:

I sat on daves (of chas and dave) lap for a photo that was in the paper when I was about 10.

My mum went to primary school with Paul Young - apparantly he was a "flea bag" and got badly picked on and my mum was the only one who would play with him.

I hung out with Ashley a few times from the last x-factor when I lived in Croydon where he is from, he is one cool guy 8)
some more even though these arnt really any but...

i saw that Tomlinson guy (JIM) from the Royle Family running through a spanish airport when i was on holiday.

spoke to Derek Geary (was a SWFC player, now a SUFC player!) on the phone and got his autograph (i was madly in love with him and my mum saw him in a pub near us so she rung me up and i spoke to him ahhhh)

DF met a footballer, someone from Fame Acadamy, and two models including Lelani (b*tch) when he was in Iraq.

i see SWFC players around Meadowhall a lot - but dont have the courage to go up and speak to them lol - and also work with a players sister!

thats all i can think of tbh :lol:
My brother was on Teen Big Brother and got very well known for doing one thing in the house :oops:
I had a fling with an ex Eastenders actor.
Vickyleigh said:
I had a fling with an ex Eastenders actor.


I told Bob Hoskins 'to wait a fooking minute' in a garage. The impatient bugger.

Won't mean much too anyone, but one of my best mates is Kevin Apps who became the first UK astronomer to be involved in the detection of a new planet in '98. He's co-discovered a few more since...............and has something very exciting happening soon. But I've been sworn to secrecy for now :shakehead: :doh:
Misslarue said:
Won't mean much too anyone, but one of my best mates is Kevin Apps who became the first UK astronomer to be involved in the detection of a new planet in '98. He's co-discovered a few more since...............and has something very exciting happening soon. But I've been sworn to secrecy for now :shakehead: :doh:

Seriously? wow thats cool, please let me know what it is as soon as your allowed to say cos Im fascinated with that kind of stuff and try to keep myself up to date with new discoveries etc!
When i worked for liverpool football club as a tour guide I was filmed on tour for an australian travel program which was cool. One of my friends lives in oz and text me when it came on the tv the best thing was my ex boyfriend (they where friends before we where) was visiting him and saw me to apparently he went a whiter shade of pale lol. imaine going all that way to have a break and seeing your ex on tv, i thought it was great.
Pam x

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