

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Has anyone been to the cinema to see the film Hostel? We went to see it today and OMG is all I can say :shock:

I've always been into my horror films (not sure where I developed that from! :lol: ) but this one is grim beyond belief! and my LO kicked and punched and wriggled throughout the whole thing, not sure he liked it, could be a good way to kick start labour tho.!!!
The advert looks really scary. , yeah come on, tell us more......
not seen that yet but want to i went week before last and seen lucky number slevin and that was best film i seen in ages :D xxxx
Hostel is meant to be well scary, I heard an interview by Quentin Tarentino about it and he was saying how much he enjoyed the gore :shock: :shock: . Am too much of a baby so OH will be watching it on his own methinks
Stuart won't take me to see scary films :( I hid behind a cushion when ghostbusters was on TV over christmas so I can see his point :oops:
tracyM said:
Stuart won't take me to see scary films :( I hid behind a cushion when ghostbusters was on TV over christmas so I can see his point :oops:

You have a point, that library scene is horrible and I still get spooked by "ok who bought the dog?" and then that big gremlin thing jumps out of the cupboard :shock:
My hubby laughs at me cos I'm too scared to see "The Ring" cos of the bit in the trailer when she crawls out of the TV.
I just KNOW I'd be lying in bed that night imagining her crawling up the stairs :shock:
I HATE horrors with a passion!!! Really hate them. I can't even watch most haunted on TV!! Lol

Give me a comedy or a romance anyday!

I am sooooooo sad!!
I can't watch horrors, or violent films they give me nightmares, but I don't mind people telling me about them, it saves me having to watch them lol
Hostel is just full of blood, guts and gore. Bid rusty, nasty tools snipping off people toes, fingers,slitting of throats and the eye ball hanging out of its socket then being snipped off - yyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Tell ya, i'm not going backpacking to Bratislava,Slovakia any time soon! :shock:

I want to see 'The Hills have Eyes' too. I think I need counselling (sp?) I like scaring myself, watching all these horrors is probably the reason i have such strange, warped dreams!!! :shock:

Rach, what was Lucky number Selvin like then? I can remember hearing about it but not what its about!?

Urchin, I got the Ring 1 & 2 on DVD, they're great films, I did get very spooked tho. when that girl climbed out of the t.v and felt jittery for quite a while after, not really sure why I put myself through it! :?

So, what's everyones fav. film? I got quite a few. Anything with Tom Hanks in is a hit with me.
Faves are Grease, Mary Poppins and Chitty - how sad am I :oops: I can't sit still long enough to watch a normal film, with those I can dance around the room and sing along :D I always have to watch them on my own though, for some reason everyone finds something else they need to do :think:
No no no no no no no no and no you are not sad, i've got those on DVD.

I luuurrrvvvveee musicals (quite the opposite from horrors!) and I sing along to them too, but funnily enough I have to watch them on my own as well, hubby just doesn't get it & I don't know why?! :lol:
Cert: 18
Stars: Josh Hartnett, Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu, Stanley Tucci, Ben Kingsley
Director: Paul McGuigan
Five-Second Summary: An innocent man gets mixed up with gangsters after a case of mistaken identity

With a twisty plot, slick action, dialogue and pop culture references, the debt Lucky Number Slevin owes to one Quentin Tarantino is as obvious as it is substantial.

Slevin (Josh Hartnett) arrives at his mate Nick’s apartment in New York but Nick’s cheery neighbour Lindsey (Lucy Liu) tells him that his friend is missing. Two heavies then show up, mistake Slevin for Nick and drag him off to see The Boss (Morgan Freeman) who says Slevin has three days to pay the $96,000 that he (actually Nick) owes him.

Conveniently enough, Slevin has had his wallet pinched that morning and can’t prove his real identity. The Boss offers to forget the debt if Slevin helps to bump off rival gang leader Schlomo (Ben Kingsley). Then things really get complicated as a legendary hit man (Bruce Willis) shows up and a detective called Brikowski starts to take a keen interest in Slevin.
The violent moments are never lengthy but are always intense thanks to some nifty camerawork and editing.

Also, in terms of things to look at, the amount of time Josh Hartnett spends wearing just a towel will certainly please a sizeable portion of the audience.

there you go nicki a review i found on lucky number slevin was a very violent action film i really enjoyed it :D lindsay has seen it also and enjoyed it xxx

i love horrors too have seen just about everything the saw 2 was the last one i seen and loved it the new hills have eyes looks good too i want to see that and hostel next
also love all the musicals GREASE being my all time favourite film :oops:
Lucky Number Slevin is absolutley class, I would recommend for everybody to go and watch it. Went to see Pink Panther last weekend, was rubbish don't waste your money. The next film that I will be going to watch with DH will be The Inside Man - has anyone seen it, is it any good?

Hostel wouldnt of bothered me so much if it wasnt based on a true story..thats just f'ed up and makes me feel sick at the thought of the thousands of people that happened to in real life! :cry:

Good film tho :D

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