
Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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I have been worried for a while that I possibly had some problems TTC or I wasnt ovulating. I have done numerous ebay cheapie tests and some more expensive clearblue digital ovulation tests and still BFN's. I decided to splash out and buy one of the clearblue fertility monitors which was not cheap but.... WELL WORTH IT because on CD15 I had a full on positive, right to the top, all singing, all dancing :cheer: BFP!!!!! I am chuffed to bits!!! On CD14 it was on the lowest level and at the most i expected it to go to the next third of the scale but it skipped this and went to the TOP with a nice big "O" through the midle of it. This is the first time I have detected OV and I was gobsmacked and ecstatic! I tested the same today and we have been BD'ing twice a day ever since :rotfl: I just can't believe I have got that far let alone a BFP pregnancy. Just had to share it with you all. Fingers crossed (this is going to be the longest 2WW ever! :shock: xxx
aww congrats hun! :hug:

I know how you feel, i just tested on a cheapie and *think* i got a positive - so happy to know that i am actually ovulating! lol - least we can do the 2ww together

Yes honey, we are testing pals again this month for sure. We are both BFP on the OV test!!! woo hoo!!! I am going to watch out see if I experience any pains over the next 24 hours since im on day 2 of being positive. It will be interesting to see if there are any signs (like the ones i think i imagine every month!!! :rotfl: I have stocked up on OV tests and 50 pregnancy tests so im fully prepared for once! I cant believe we are testing together for another month but its nice to have someone to share it with in the same boat. Good luck, congrats and lets hope we both get a nice fat BFP!!! xxx
I'm glad we'll be doin it together again hun - makes it much easier that way!

I'm a bit worried that I'm gonna miss OV, my OH not back from work till tomorrow - I'm trying to persuade him to come home tonight (technically he could depending what time his parents arrive & if there's enough time to go thru everything but it would mean leaving very late) but there's not much chance I don't think.

He's really chuffed cos we got a positive too :) I just hope we managed to catch it on weds lol

The tests detect an LH surge - and ov would usually occur (so far as I understand it) within about 12-36 hours of the surge - so if you got a positive today you might not ov til tomorrow anyway so you still might be ok - and if you BDd on Weds then there might still be some there to meet the egg anyway x
I can't be too far behind you guys....... on my first month of OPKs but have had blood test which says I do so it's just a matter of catching it. Cheapie test says no but CM says possibly so am gonna get BDing :D
Elvie thats true from the other post, it detects the surge so you will infact ovulate anytime from the first positive test in the next 48 hours. They say when you get a positive to BD as much as possible as it usually happens around 48 hours after so you have two days to get CRACKING honey!!! lol. Plus sperm stays alive for 5 days so even if you didnt see him tonight then you still have tomorrow within your 48 hours and the BD'ing from before which will still be alive and kicking. Panic not, its all ok! We will be frantically peeing on a stick as soon as you know it! x
xxsammyxx said:
I have been worried for a while that I possibly had some problems TTC or I wasnt ovulating. I have done numerous ebay cheapie tests and some more expensive clearblue digital ovulation tests and still BFN's. I decided to splash out and buy one of the clearblue fertility monitors which was not cheap but.... WELL WORTH IT because on CD15 I had a full on positive, right to the top, all singing, all dancing :cheer: BFP!!!!! I am chuffed to bits!!! On CD14 it was on the lowest level and at the most i expected it to go to the next third of the scale but it skipped this and went to the TOP with a nice big "O" through the midle of it. This is the first time I have detected OV and I was gobsmacked and ecstatic! I tested the same today and we have been BD'ing twice a day ever since :rotfl: I just can't believe I have got that far let alone a BFP pregnancy. Just had to share it with you all. Fingers crossed (this is going to be the longest 2WW ever! :shock: xxx

Hi Sammy,

I got my BFP the 2nd month of using the monitor, its a little miracle!
xxsammyxx said:
I have been worried for a while that I possibly had some problems TTC or I wasnt ovulating. I have done numerous ebay cheapie tests and some more expensive clearblue digital ovulation tests and still BFN's. I decided to splash out and buy one of the clearblue fertility monitors which was not cheap but.... WELL WORTH IT because on CD15 I had a full on positive, right to the top, all singing, all dancing :cheer: BFP!!!!! I am chuffed to bits!!! On CD14 it was on the lowest level and at the most i expected it to go to the next third of the scale but it skipped this and went to the TOP with a nice big "O" through the midle of it. This is the first time I have detected OV and I was gobsmacked and ecstatic! I tested the same today and we have been BD'ing twice a day ever since :rotfl: I just can't believe I have got that far let alone a BFP pregnancy. Just had to share it with you all. Fingers crossed (this is going to be the longest 2WW ever! :shock: xxx

Hi Sammy,

I got my BFP on the 2nd month of using the monitor-its a little miracle! I only bd'ed on my first peak day that month. I used to get soooo excited when I saw that egg, which never actually appeared until cycle day 20, much later than I would have thought. Best of luck for this month!

Hi claredoran, thats interesting because everyone i have spoken to has said the same about these monitors!!! I could not believe seeing it there loud and clear and not having to try and analyse whether it was a + or - on a ebay cheapie. I could never detect it on those and had to use so many I often ran out and then gave up!!! Today (the monitor is one day behind my ticker as I had to start it from the next day when I received it) it says im on CD 16 and two thirds fertile which is still high fertility so I guess tomorrow or day after it will be back down to the least fertile block. I think it was you who posted Claire that made me buy one! Last night we had a BD'ing marathon. Instead of going out we went straight to bed after work and stayed there all evening BD'ing every 20 mins to 30 mins. If im not pregnant this month then its through no fault of our own!!! :rotfl: xxx[/b]
xxsammyxx said:
Hi claredoran, thats interesting because everyone i have spoken to has said the same about these monitors!!! I could not believe seeing it there loud and clear and not having to try and analyse whether it was a + or - on a ebay cheapie. I could never detect it on those and had to use so many I often ran out and then gave up!!! Today (the monitor is one day behind my ticker as I had to start it from the next day when I received it) it says im on CD 16 and two thirds fertile which is still high fertility so I guess tomorrow or day after it will be back down to the least fertile block. I think it was you who posted Claire that made me buy one! Last night we had a BD'ing marathon. Instead of going out we went straight to bed after work and stayed there all evening BD'ing every 20 mins to 30 mins. If im not pregnant this month then its through no fault of our own!!! :rotfl: xxx[/b]

Hehe. OPK's never worked for me, could never tell a + from a -! I think the monitor automatically stays high after a peak, so you could put an old stick in save wasting them! Will be keeping an eye on your posts this month :wink:


is this the really expensive monitor thing? i was thinkin of gettin one of those.... sammy, keep me posted - if it works i'm getting one!!!!

Clare, thats a good idea about the old sticks. I was expecting it to ask me to test again this morning but it didnt. I was asked to test from CD7 until i got positive on CD14, then it asked me to test on CD15 and I was still at the highest notch. Today its not asked me so i guess its done its job for this month! :dance: The rest is all down to us.... :wink: Im sure you will see me going frantic during the 2WW and peeing on about 20 HPT sticks a day, not convinced any of them are working right when they come up BFN!! :rotfl: Thanks to all that replied!!! Good luck in your 9 months Clare x
Just wanted to :wave: and say good luck to all of you with the CB monitors. Me and Hubby had been trying for 12years and had IVF last year which failed. I brought a new monitor from ebay for £65 and fell pregnant in the first month! To me and hubby its the best £65 we could have spent, it was also the easiest as i didnt have to chart anymore, plus it was also cheaper than finding £6,000 for IVF again. As i didnt no much about the monitors i didnt buy a second hand one but now i've had one and seen how they work if you can get one second hand cheaper then i would use it. It does seem to be working for alot of people if you can afford i would say get one.
good luck... get yourself an early pregnancy test. I think you can test upto about 3 days before... makes the waiting period a little easier! when we decide to try next time i won't be getting those cheap e-bay OPK... i never got a positive reading when i was ovulating. I knew i was because i get pains around the same time each month. I got a more expensive test and got pregnant that month.

Good luck

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