Chloe Christina Hindle - 30.06.08 - 8lb 1oz


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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sorry its taken so long...

My birth story is going to be quite vague as im really struggling to remember it all, as its all a haze!! I think its true when people say your brain blocks pain out!

Anyway, I was 7 days overdue when I started with contractions on Thursday evening, they were 10 minutes apart, by morning they were every 5 minutes.

I rung hospital and went in. They checked me over but sent me home as I wasn’t dilated, only 2cm…

Friday day & night was horrible, I rung the hospital twice in the middle of the night beggin them for me to go in, but they said, see it out at home longer, your better at home!!! ( I was like wtf….why arnt they letting me come in)

Saturday morning i was in complete agony so shane rung the hospital and told them i was coming in whether they liked it or not as i was in too much pain!

Got to hospital, got checked over but was still only 2-3 cm.
I eventually had a shot of pethadine to calm me down... it worked for a while! Then later on i went on gas and air... I was a bit jubious about trying gas & air as I thought it would make me feel out of control but it didn’t…. although shane said every time I had some I talked like a man.. haha

Things were progressing slowly and Saturday night we ended up staying over at the hospital...

Sunday came and the pains got stronger, i had more pethadine, and gas and air.... at one point i thought i was gunna die as i was in so much pain!!

I think the worse thing, is that urge to push totally takin over your body and you have no control over it!! Horrible….

Evenutally as sunday evening drew in i just couldn’t bear it any longer, I was almost screamin at every contraction…. So I asked for an epidural, which was brilliant.... and i was calm within 10 minutes!

Then all of a sudden, i got a slight pain in my hip and then within seconds all my pain came back, i was screaming in pain!
Ends up the tube had dislodged in my back which meant the liquid wasnt going through properly!
That got sorted quite quickly and i was back in my relaxed state again! Thank god..

I had a few more top ups of the epidural over the next couple of hours and when the time came to push, the midwife had to tell me when to do it as i couldnt feel anything!
After a few pushes a doctor came to have a look and said the baby was coming out sideways, so i would have to go and have vountouse suction.
They gowned me up ready for theatre as they said if vountouse failed then i would need a C- section!
I was absolutely petrified......

Anyway, in the theatre, about 10 people were around me prepping me for the birth.... shane holding my hand! Its true when people say your dignity goes out the window….

Once I was prepped, They shouted at me to "push, push push.... Heads coming, come on..."

"PUSH PUSH PUSH!...... heads out!!!!!"

One more push and she was delivered onto my chest!
I couldnt beleive that i didnt feel a thing, not even the head coming out!!!

I squeeled as they put her on my chest as she was covered in blood and gunk!! haha

Then i said… what is it? what is it??
They said... its a girl!!!!
My jaw must of hit the bed........ i couldnt beleive it...

i looked at shane in shock and just burst out crying!!!

I was sooooooooooooooo happy that it was a girl.... ive always wanted one, but had just got it in my head that i was having a boy!!
I had to have stitches, which are still a bit tender, but she was totally worth it….. even if she did make me wait 10 days past her due date…

Chloe Christina Hindle
born at 12:47 monday 30th June
8lb 1oz


Oh wow she is beautiful you must be so proud.

Congratulations to you and your OH

awwwww she is lovely!!! Congrats and Welcome little Chloe!
Aww she is so beautiful, congratulations on your little girl :cheer:
:wave: zoe
brill birth story - been waiting ages to read this lol
cant wait to meet her n see how tiny she is! well done x
Congratulations Zoe!!! She is really gorgeous!!!

Didn't spot before you were in Lancashire... whereabouts?

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