

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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anyone else heard that its not safe to eat chinese when pg? Ive got some from M&S for my dinner tonight and OH just rang and said coz of the MSG its not safe? is it just with takeaways or shop bought stuff too? thanks :think:
I didnt know anything about this! :shock:

I used to eat chinese takeaways all the time but gone off them now, still had one or two though, I hope it hasnt done any harm :think:
i havent heard anything about this either :shock:
i love chinese :(

*goes in search of answers on google*
no neither had I TBH.....

ill have a look on google too *back in a mo*....
just found this on one site

"Unless you are making it at home, avoid Chinese food. Most restaurants add ajinomoto or monosodium glutamate to their food. This is high in sodium content; too much sodium can lead to hypertension or high blood pressure."
oh wow :(

do you think this would only really affect you if you were eating it everyday or often maybe?

i dont think the odd chinese will hurt surely one chinese cant cause high blood pressure it would have to be lots n lots surely
best i can find is this

Myth: Avoid Chinese food during pregnancy.
Truth: My answer to this is simple. If Chinese people can eat Chinese food and have normal pregnancies and healthy babies, then why can’t we? Even so, I suggest that you avoid ajinomoto (monosodium glutamate), which is commonly used in Indian Chinese cuisine. It is an excitatory neurotransmitter that destroys nerve cells in the brain.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
oh great ive been eating indian too, surely mw would tell us though that its another thing to avoid and exactly what i was thinking, chinese and indians dont stop eating their own food when they are pg do they?!

surely the odd one or two now and then is ok?
It's fine I'm sure to eat one or two. I ask our local chinese to not add MSG, or to tell us which things have MSG in them, as I don't give MSG stuff to Damien either (he loves chinese!). Most restaurants should be fine with that.
If it's a store one I'm sure it'd be okie, is it on the ingredients? Alot of shops (and I'm M&S follow suit) don't add MSG in their products.
Hmmm I have been eating chinese or indian food once every two weeks and so far everything is fine. My blood pressure hasn't risen at all.

I have cut down though since I found out i was pregnant and usually make it myself anyway.
when i was preg with ry all i craved when i got to thrid tri was indian, chicken tikka massala and there is no way it could of done much harm cos no word of a lie i was eating it at least 5 nights a week lmao

used to ring little bangla n they knew who i was n what i wanted before i said more than hello can i order some food for delivery :oops: :oops:
yeah ill check the ingredients and make sure, im sure one or two wont hurt and there is no way i could live without curry! :D

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