chinese new year

it doesnt have my date.................. 1803!!
no only messing, im the rabbit lol guess i shudnt try to be funny anymore :cry:
littlelady87 said:
no only messing, im the rabbit lol guess i shudnt try to be funny anymore :cry:

my DH is a rabbit and so is my second daughter who funnily enough is sooooo like him and the same star sign too
depends which rabbit we are talking bout, my lil vibrating one, yes i love it but my one in the cage outside, she is just visious
ok this is a little bit freaky

I'm an ox along with my hubby, mum and nephew

and my dad, sister and baby will all be boars!
I'm a Boar, Hubby is an Ox and Arianna is a dog!!!

Not a good looking family with that huh?

S. xx
ians a rat (i could of told you that)m im a randy rabbit and alfie is my little mucky pup doggy :D
I've always known mine cause me and my friends used to compete about it at primary school, hehe.

I'm a dragon! ROOOARRR!!!!
I'm a sheep
DH is an Ox
Pudding will be a Boar....poor pudding!!

im a rat, OH is a bore (sorry boar), and alice is a dog.
DF is a rat, Im a dog, Brooke's a dragon and Olivia is a dog
Gaby said:
I've always known mine cause me and my friends used to compete about it at primary school, hehe.

I'm a dragon! ROOOARRR!!!!

Me too! We're the luckiest sign! :cheer:

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