Child Allowance?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
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Sorry to sound really stupid, but is child allowance still available? Is it £17 a week or something? Does anyone know of any websites or information on it? Is it available to everyone or low income families only?

I know Olivia is only 4 wks old it' was just something I was thinking of!

Oh and the £250 grant fund - does anyone know how you get an application form?


Do you mean child benefit? Yes it's £17 a week for a first child under 1.
Regards the £250 voucher, once you have applied for child benefit you will automatically be sent the cheque a few weeks later, no need to apply seperately xx
Sami - that's it, child benefit - do you know how you find out if you're eligable?

Lucy everyone is eligible for child benefit for their children as long as no one else is claiming for that child. You should have recieved a form in your Bounty pack, if not could you go to your nearest Dept of Work and Pensions (I think this is what it is called) as they should be able to give you the form.
Also apply for tax credits! If you are entitled to family tax credits then you are also entitled to a £500 maternity sure start grant. But apply asap as you only have til LO is 3months old. I recieved mine last week, it was really easay to apply for just fill in a form.
if u r going back to work apply for working tax credits to!!

now i am back at work i get working tax credits, child tax credits, child benifit, 70% of nursery fees paid and i get a monthly income including my pay check of £900 a month :D
my child benefit has gone up all of 45p!! still waiting for hubby to fill in the tax credits form.... one day he'll get round to it!
Helpline for Child Benefit 0845 302 1444

(0845 603 2000 in Northern Ireland)

8.00 am to 8.00 pm seven days a week

Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit 0845 300 3900

(0845 603 2000 in Northern Ireland)

8.00 am to 8.00 pm seven days a week

This link takes you straight to all the info;
I hope so!! but some one said i can only claim 3 months back pay so i will miss out on alot of money - maybe if i shove application pack up hubbys nose he might get it done!!

ur going to have a loverly back payment
Thanks ladies

Minikins - great cheers.

Beanie - doh, just opened the bounty pack :shock: ... found it!

Hypnorm said:
I hope so!! but some one said i can only claim 3 months back pay so i will miss out on alot of money - maybe if i shove application pack up hubbys nose he might get it done!!

ur going to have a loverly back payment

Definetly get it sorted, you could be missing out on loads of money!!

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