Chicken pox's


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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I put this into off topic hoping it would get a answer quickly :D

Can anyone tell me what chicken pox's looks like please, i think Sophie may have them.

Thanks :hug:
found this for you ... kenpox.htm

What are the symptoms of chickenpox?

A rash that usually begins on the body and face and later often spreads to the scalp and limbs.

It may also spread to the mucous membranes especially in the mouth and on the genitals.

The rash is often itchy.

It begins as small red spots which develop into blisters in a couple of hours.

After one or two days, the blisters turn into scabs.

New blisters may appear after three to six days.

The number of blisters differs greatly from one person to another.

The infected person may run a temperature.

hope this helps :hug:
did she have chicken pox hun? hope all is ok, they are not nice iv just got over them now its all going around my room at work got loads of kids off yay :D
Well the doc said not cos they are not on her belly and back, and they had'ed all blistered, she said she thinks its just a reaction to something but im not sure i think i will get paul to take her to docs again tommorrow if they are no better :(

But like my friend pointed out this is the same doctors that thought Alastair had a chest infection and 12 hrs later could hardly breath and he had bronciltites (sp) and also the same doctor that just 3 weeks ago told my mum she had a liver infection and she nearly died aweek later from pancreatitis!!!! So maybe i will hold judgement till tomorrow she what her spots are like
:shock: thats not good!!!
i hated chickenpox, i scratched so hard I fainted!!! :shock: :puke:
wow, sorry hun but your doc sounds sh*t :shock:

i'd go for a second opinion given your docs track records

I remember when i had CP. my mum put me in the bath normal and half an hour later she lifted me out and i was all spotty :(
all chicken pox are different hun they dont just come up on the stomach and back they usually start on the neck some children just get a couple of spots and thats it others get covered.

Ther blister over really easily, def get a second opinion but see how they go. :hug: :hug:
Well the ones one her leg have scab's on them from where she has scratched the hell out of them, and some on her arms have scabs on aswell, they havent got worse and any better, if they were chicken pox would all the spots have got scab's on???

thanks for the help ladies :hug:
aw hun the poor thing hopefully it won't last too long. I had them when I was four and still remember constantly running to my mum to put some calamine lotion on the spots.
ah bless her, hope she is better soon, they will all scab over eventually, once they are all scabed over they are no longer infectious! :hug:

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