So....last Saturday we went in for a ctg in the morning and all was well. We went back in just after midnight as he hadn't moved the same all afternoon. Ctg looked normal but they wanted to induce me. So we were moved onto the ward and 1st pessary was put in at 3.30am. I managed 2 hours sleep that night!
At 10.30 they examined me and we had a bishops score of 3 and were 1cm dilated. Pessary was removed as baby's heart rate kept dropping.
Consultant suggested a C-Section if this kept happening so we didn't stress baby. After 3 hours on the monitor I was sent to delivery suite. My waters were broken and OMG that hurt! Tightenings had started and heart rate normal. They started the drip and things started off. I didn't think much of the contractions at 1st. I'd only had paracetamol at this point. I couldn't move around as was strapped up on monitor and my position did affect it at times.
Drip was started at 1.30. By 5.30 I was in agony with contractions. Every 5 mins. The pain was mainly in my back and they then informed me he was back to back! At that point I asked for an epidural so I could sleep....I had no idea if if dilated anymore. Dr examined me again and if dilated 1cm in 8 hours and the contractions suddenly ramped up. 30 seconds long and 30 seconds between.....chugging on gas and air suddenly babies heart rate dropped. Midwife was out of room, hubby stood in shock and scrabbling around my bed for buzzer. She said all was fine as he'd recovered but buzz if it happened again. Next contraction as soon as she left it dropped again, hubby hit the button and midwife came running followed by Dr. At this point I couldn't keep track of what was being said. Crying whilst chugging on gas and air listening to his slow beat was the scariest thing I've ever been thru.
I then had an oxygen mask strapped to me as they stripped off my top, socks jewellery and asked consent questions and we were rushed in for emergency section.
20 mins later my gorgeous little boy was born, 6lb 4oz. He was checked over and handed to hubby. I didn't get my cuddle until an hour later and my god it was good. He smelt amazing, skin so soft. He lived skin on skin contact and still does
Turns our Daniel was squeezing his cord whilst on the womb resulting in some of the drops. He still searches for something to squeeze whilst sleeping.
Still can't believe he's here after 5 years waiting for him