
Rach - I hope you are OK. Enjoy your time out and we will see you soon :hug:

ROM - Looking good :cheer:

Christina - Congratulations on deciding to get married this summer - very exciting :dance: I hope we get to see some pictures! :pray:
Claire :hug: :hug: :hug: to be honest it has frightened me to death since I came into 1st Tri :shock:

I have decided what will be will be and with Han leaving for her new job this week I havent had much time to dwell......

On a lighter note some of you from chartstalkers may remember that we thought Han was going to work in Turkey - she had been given her hotel and me and my mum were going to book a week in July to surprise her for her 21st then I did the first test and put it on hold. Well it was a good job as she was supposed to be leaving tomorrow and they have just telephoned to change her destination - she is now off to Skiathos in Greece....... She now leaves at 8.00 am on Friday so muggings here will have to get her to the airport (about an hour and a half drive away) by 5.15 am!!! Thank goodness we didnt book or we would be going to a place we wouldnt have choosen (it was a bit like butlins in the sun) and she would have been in a completely different country!!

On the baby front - I have been drinking fruit juice and lactulose since yesterday and my pain has gone!!! hmmmmm now I'm worried I dont have any symptoms except being so so tired.... :D

Hope everyone else is ok.

Jane x x x
Juice wise Orange, carrot and ginger would be excellent and smoothie wise probably a pick me up - strawberry, raspberry and banana with orange juice and frozen yoghurt!! Problem is I sold all my equipment with the shop so I am juicerless :-)

Claire - I am sure your experience and responses really help everyone on here (well they do me anyway) I'm so glad you arnt going to disappear. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am not managing to stay away either.
But I am absolutely terrified about my scan now. :(
Especially as I haven't had loads of symptoms, only a bit tired and queasy.
I feel selfish for saying that when people are really having terrible things happen. Sorry.
dont worry yoo much hun, i had hardley any synptons with rebecca, as i was only sick once. I did get extremly travel sick through in the 2nd and 3rd tri, dont know why but everytime i went on the dartford crossing bridge as soon as we got to the top i threw up, every time lol.
:wave: hi all didnt manage to stay away for long things are a little more settled at home weve all had a good talk and things are now a lot calmer
my symptoms have all vanished which is really worrying me how can you go from being severely sick to being completely fine overnight thought it was a 1 off but nope ive been fine now for about 3 days :( im completely worried sick and still got nearly 2 weeks to wait till my scan i cant stop crying all the time :cry: am completely fed up with myself tried to stay off here and ended up watching baby programmes on tv :wall: am obsessed :( well got work today and then visitors from london for the weekend thats loads more work for me this weekend :( i love to see them but god i love to see them go home too :rotfl:

kmac is your scan today???? omg missed that one good luck hun :hug: xxxxxxxx

rom glad your pain has gone hun and please wish your daughter all the best on her new job :hug: im sure you will miss her good job you hadnt already booked to go see her yet :hug: xxxxxxxx

babydust hows your DD hun are her measles any better??? hope shes on the mend now :hug: xxxxxxxxx

hope everyone else is ok :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx
It has been such a sad week on the forum. :cry: And now with Flossy's bad news it reminds me that even after the 12 week mark we are not in the clear :(

Kmac - good luck for the scan today- I am :pray:ing that everything will be fine for you.

Rach - I am feeling better and it is worrying me too :wall:

Well, I have pretty much told everyone my news and they are all so pleased :cheer: but now I am wishing I had left it even longer to tell people...just in case :(
sally :hug: i know how you feel but it is a lot less common to lose a baby as late as poor flossy :cry: a lot of people tend to think they are home and dry after 12 weeks and it can be quite scary when you realise what can still happen just try and be reassured that although it does happen it is quite rare i know how you are feeling for me the scariness doesnt go away till i have baby in my arms after losing Jamie at 34 weeks xxxxxxxxx
morning all, sorry don't have time to reply to all the messages as I'm moving house today. Back to my parents in London :oops: with the credit crunch and no 100% mortgages this is the only way me and OH can save for deposit. I'm going to miss living on our own :wall:

anyway, how are all you lovely ladies doing this morning? thanks for all the nice wedding messages :D babydust, very glad to hear your DD is better. hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves xx
OK ladies I admit it this place terrifies me!! I have waited so long to feel I belong and every time I log in there is sadder and sadder news :( I am a natural worrier anyway and that is why I was excited to have found somewhere to talk to people that understand my concerns over every tweak and pain but I have found the past couple of days heart breaking :( :( :( :(
Hi all

I don't know why everyone thinks my scan was today - it's not until a week on tuesday! - but thanks for all the good wishes anyway...

I am scared witless now. It's hard to stay positive at the moment.
I am so sorry to read everyone's sad stories. :(
But babydust and rom you are right - it's good we can come on here and share our worries and help each other through. :hug: :hug:

I don't know what else to say really.
girls we can all get through this as we have each other and as babydust said we cant change any outcomes by worrying so we just all need to keep each other sane :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hugs and kisses for you all we are all going to have lots of P.M.A. now and stay positive for our babies :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hiya i have missed alot blimy hugs to everyone, and for everyone who has had a loss :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have been busy and really missed having my computer lol the other day my computer monitor was smoking so i had to wait till tonight to get a new monitor which we were given off my partners parents. i've been very tired and susapect i am coming down with some thing however it could just be the weather and the pregnancy mixed together.
i start buying things for baby at 12 weeks i tend to buy a pack of nappies every few weeks and bits here and there untill i'm about 6 months then i go mad buying everything lol i like to be prepared for when he/she comes, this is what i did with my other 2 anyway lol what about you all?
My mum texted me today to say my dad has bought the baby one of those taramind (sp?) pots - you know the things you put money in then have to smash to get it out? I said that was very nice of him but personally I'm not buying anything until the scan has been...... then I'll probably go a bit mad! :)
Hi ladies! Wanted to pop in and say hi! Im feeling quite bad :cry: so hard hearing the news of Flossy and her LO! She was my pg twin! Im absolutely devasted!

Babydust, I started buying things almost straight away! i dont have lots just little bits and bobs lol No big items as I dont have anywhere to put them yet we need to re-do the spare room! :D

I hope everyone is well?!
Ive been having a load of heartburn! yak! lol
I did feel LO kick today! I have been feeling him wriggle for a while now but I felt two faint flicks lol! It was cute! :D
OH has changed his nickname to the 'Little Wiggle' lol the other day he was wiggling like crazy heehee
awww lea m that's so sweet, i love that feeling of them riggling about in there it's great :D
Well this morning i'm feeling a bit rough i susect i'm coming down with something i'm coughing up flem but hopefully i won't need to go docs i'll just rest and take it easy for a few days. Its fathers day tomorrow are you planning anything for it? i've got a card from the bump i made and my daughter made mat my partner a card too :D is sooo excited lol oh and i got him a present from the kids and bump
hi everyone
i was away for the weekend at my friends hen do. Everyone else was very drunk indeed and it was a bizarre experience watching them sing and dance along to 'Grease' at 3am. I just observed from my sleeping bag! It was a good laugh though but I am so tired now. And I am STILL feeling queasy - the 3 hour drive home didn't help either...

My resolution this week is to go swimming after work at least once. I am aware I haven't done any exercise for ages, especially since I have been pregnant so I think I need to get into better shape. Hopefully it will make me feel a bit more cheerful and optimistic too.

Hope everyone is ok - havent had a chance to have a proper trawl through all the topics on here, and I think I really must go to bed now!

Nighty night
:wave: hi all well weve had visitors from london all weekend but they have now gone home :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: nothing new going on here sickness comes and goes most days are without it now thank god
my spd is kicking in early but not too painful yet just hurts a little when i turn over in bed :( getting more nervous about scan as time goes by only just over a week now and we will see the babies again :D im :pray: everything is ok
got day off work today and after having 2 extra here all weekend my house is a mess so lots of housework for me today :bored:
hope everyone is keeping well :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx

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